This article is more than 1 year old

Need a Brain Lift? Welcome to the Reg Summer School

12 videos to help you top up your grey cells

Reg Events Whether you’re getting ready to hit the beach, or just hit the sofa, holidays needn’t necessarily mean turning off your brain for the summer.

But how to keep the grey cells ticking over while you’re topping up your tan - or just your gin and tonic?

Well, you could do worse than dip into our repository of Register lectures, which we’ve finally gotten around to collecting together in one place.

In case you haven’t been paying attention, we’ve done 12 talks since the back end of 2014. And if we say so ourselves, together they amount to a crash course in a range of key tech and science topics, each delivered by an expert in their field.

From the delights and dangers of Big Data, the trauma of captivity in war torn Iraq, the possibilities of space, the responsibility of immortality or the driverless car just around the corner, we’re sure all of these talks will leave you refreshed, stimulated and quite probably cleverer than you were when you clicked the play button.

Sadly, you don’t get the Q&A, beer and nibbles, or the fine company of your fellow Reg readers. But don’t despair. We’re putting our next run of Winter lectures together right now, so keep your eyes peeled. And if you want to be kept up to date on upcoming talks, why not open a Reg account.

Autumn 2017

Carl Miller of Demos: Power in the Digital Age

Dr Bryan Alleyne of Goldsmiths: Platform Wars and the Enemy in Geek and Hacker Culutre

Summer 2017

Jamie Bartlett: The Radicals Intent on Changing Your Society

Dr Kate Devlin: Sex, AI, Robots and You

Summer 2016

Andy Stanford-Clark: The Internet of Things Starts at Home

Prof. Murray Shanahan: The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Chris Welch: New Space, New Money

Winter 2015

Peter Moore: From SQL Programmer to Hostage

Prof. Nick Reed: Will Driverless Cars Make Us Less Human

Anders Sandberg: We Can Programme You to Live Forever

Summer 2015

Kevin Murrell: Attack of the IT Monuments Men

Tim Worstall: How the Economics of Rare Metals Really Adds Up

Jamie Bartlett: Light and Dark on the Internet

Winter 2014

Dr Geraint Jones: What Planet Should We Be On

Duncan Campbell: GCHQ and Me

Prof Mark Whitehorn: Big Data, Big Problems ®

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