This article is more than 1 year old
Gridstore deal done: Wrap your mouth around HyperGrid HCIaaS
Does hyperconverger pass the say-it-5-times-fast test?
Gridstore has gone ahead and bought DCHQ.
It's also renamed itself HyperGrid and says it delivers the first "HyperConverged Infrastructure-as-a-Service (HCIaaS), an application aware offering that brings the simplicity and ease-of-use of HCI together with a pay-as-you-consume pricing model that scales elastically."
CEO and chairman Nariman Teymourian claims: "Customers will now be able to achieve all the benefits of the Cloud, without being locked in to a specific vendor.”
He says HyperGrid gives customers what they have been asking for: "Customers are demanding that vendors deliver app-centric, app-optimised, and app-aware infrastructure as-a-service with no upfront cost. They want to be able to use their choice of hypervisor, container or bare metal and they want the ability to build, deploy, update and manage applications at a push of a button.”
The DCHQ purchase, for an undisclosed price, is a so-called “acquahire”. All Gridstore and DCHQ founders remain in key technical roles at HyperGrid.
HyperGrid GridStore appliance
We're told DCHQ technology containerizes existing traditional applications, so enterprises can automate the deployment and management of both traditional and cloud-native apps seamlessly across any cloud or container infrastructure – including Docker, Mesosphere, VMware vSphere, KVM, Hyper-V, bare metal, OpenStack, OVH, AWS, Microsoft Azure and many others.
By embracing containers and the platform-as-a-service model, HyperGrid distances itself at a stroke from all the other hyper-converged infrastructure appliance and software vendors. The name change seems appropriate: new name, new beginning, and the whole deal gives its channel something readily presentable to potential customers.
The containerisation support could be a smart move if, as seems to be happening, the containerisation wave is swelling.
HyperGrid says DCHQ offers both on-premises and hosted PaaS systems. "Thousands of users have deployed DCHQ’s technology, which currently supports over 50,000+ containers and 2000+ VMs."
That indicates a lot of scope for growth.
HyperGrid HCIaaS is available now with a downloadable free trial offer. Get more basic info here and a datasheet here (PDF). ®