This article is more than 1 year old
Brexit Britain: HP Sauce vs – choices that defined voters
Top 10 brand loves - the new social division
Forget Scotland and London vs. England and Wales, never mind old against young, get over city versus rural rust belt.
It was internet and condiments that really defined those who voted in the June 23 referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU.
Brexiters’ favorite brand was HP Sauce while was tops with Remainers, according to Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R.
The agency here reckons to have detected this previously hidden fissure running through society around the EU referendum.
Web and social media were seven of the 10 “favourite” brands for those who voted Remain on the June 23 referendum on Britain’s EU membership.
The Remainers’ seven includes BBC iPlayer, Instagram, Spotify and Twitter. Not one foodstuff was listed.
However, not a single technology, social or web name made the cut for Brexiters – rather, it’s a list dominated by condiments and food.
The closest to web and tech featuring in the Leavers list was Sky and ITV News.
Top brands for Leavers included, besides HP Sauce, Bisto, PG Tips, Cathedral City cheese and Richmond sausages.
Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R’s list is based on data crunched from various YouGov polls.
Extrapolating the findings it seems Remainers were more likely to listening to Spotify while on a Virgin Train booking a flight on Easy Jet during the campaign.
Leavers likely made up their minds chowing down on a cheese-and-sausage toastie smothered in brown sauce with a cuppa while watching Mary Nightingale.
What does this mean in socio terms? That those who like commercial TV and grew up on frozen foods during in the 1980s voted Leave.
1990s netizens and those who like state-supported media were pro-EU.
Whichever way you slice it, it’s easy to see how Leave won.
That other great European unifier, Napoleon Bonaparte, said an army marches on its stomach, and - in that respect - Leave got its priorities right.
Sure, Instagram is new and Twitter tells you what’s happening as it happens, but what you gonna do when the Wi-Fi’s down and you’ve got the munchies? ®