This article is more than 1 year old

First FreeBSD 11.0 rc lands

Daemon-wranglers, draw your pentagrams; crash test dummies, strap on the helmet: the FreeBSD project has announced the first release candidate in its version 11.0 cycle is available for download.

As well as the usual installation images, there are virtual machine FreeBSD 11.0 images for AMD and i386; Amazon EC2 images and Vagrant images on the Hashicorp Atlas site.

There's a fair bunch of mostly incremental bug fixes (although the removal of SSH Protocol 1 is notable). A VESA panic-on-suspend in the previous beta release will have bugged users, and there's a fix to Google Compute Engine publication.

ARM and ARMv6 admins beware: in case you're installing on a machine without a screen, the default SSH password is “freebsd”, and the default root password is “root”, so change them both after install.

The FreeBSD list announcement with appropriate links is here. ®

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