This article is more than 1 year old
Is security keeping pace with continuous delivery?
Deliver a development process as secure as it is dynamic
Broadcast On the September 27 2016 at 11am we're running a live broadcast that will explore the changing game of application security.
The thinking is that the world has moved on in terms of how applications are created and deployed — two-year development cycles are being replaced by fast-moving, integrated processes delivered by integrated teams. But in the new normal of continuous delivery, is security keeping up?
The answer is not as clear-cut as many would like, as the old principles need a refresh to keep us safe from the outsider threat. Development teams also need to ensure that they do not become the enemy within. If it does not sufficiently account for security, the development process itself can become the weakest link in the chain.
So, what to do?
The answer, of course, is to tune into this broadcast and learn how best practice is evolving, which industries are doing better, what common mistakes are still being made and what tools are now available. We've got our own Jon Collins hosting the gig with a panel of experts from Freeform Dynamics and Veracode adding weight to the debate.
You can register for the broadcast right here. Be sure to bring your questions along too.