This article is more than 1 year old

FBI Clinton email dossier

The FBI has published online a thorough report of its investigation into US presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

It was feared the system would be ransacked by hackers – government and private – looking for juicy sensitive files. According to the Washington Post, the server was pretty boring:

The [FBI's] documents, which total 58 pages, do not seem to provide any major revelations about Clinton’s actions — though they paint her and her staff as either unaware of or unconcerned with State Department policies on email use. The materials also show that the FBI was unable to track down all of Clinton’s devices, including phones, it sought, and that made it impossible for agents to definitively answer every question they had, including whether Clinton’s emails were hacked.

This comes after the Feds refused to recommend or push for any charges against Hillary Clinton for her careless, rule-breaking use of a private email server. The New York Times notes:

The newly disclosed documents, while largely reinforcing what had already been known about the FBI investigation, provided a number of new details about Mrs Clinton’s use of a private email system, which has shadowed her presidential campaign for more than a year.

The FBI documents revealed what appeared to be a frantic effort by an unnamed computer specialist to delete an archive of Mrs Clinton’s emails weeks after the existence of the private server became public in March 2015.

You can read the reports here. ®

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