This article is more than 1 year old
EMC: King of storage needs to shore up defences
Watch out, Mikey D. Meg W's got enterprise storage parity
IDC’s latest storage tracker says the enterprise storage market was flat in the 12 months since 2015’s second quarter, but HPE now ties with EMC for first place, with IBM and NetApp in equal fourth place after Dell.
EMC (18.1 per cent) lost -5.5 per cent points of revenue share in the year, HPE (17.6 per cent) gained 8.8 per cent, Dell (11.5 per cent) a relative monster increase of 13.8 per cent, IBM (6.8 per cent) lost -15.6 per cent (recently-appointed storage boss Ed Walsh has a mountain to climb) with NetApp (6.7 per cent) losing -3.2 per cent. The market amounted to $8.83 BN, with ‘Others’ taking 30.3 per cent of that and ODM direct 9 per cent.
Now that EMC is part of Dell Technologies the combo will dominate the enterprise storage market, having a 29.6 per cent share.
Looking at external storage alone, IDC’s number-crunchers say EMC led the $5.67bn market with a 28.2 per cent share, down 5.5 per cent as above. HPE and NetApp tried for second place with 10.6 and 10.5 per cent shares respectively. IBM had 9.5 per cent in fourth place and Hitachi and Dell tied for fifth place with 7.4 and 7 per cent shares.
HPE’s external storage revenues rose 0.8 per cent on the year while Hitachi’s rose 14.7 per cent and Dell’a 5.8 per cent. NetApp and IBM lost 3.32 and 14.7 per cent respectively.
IDC notes that the total All Flash Array (AFA) market generated almost $1.1 billion in revenue during the quarter, up 94.5 per cent year over year, but didn’t release supplier numbers to the great unwashed public. Quarter-over-quarter EMC gained 9.1 percentage points. Netapp lost 6.8, HPE gained 1.5, IBM gained 0.2, Hitachi gained 1 ($19mn revenue) and Pure Storage lost 3.6 percentage points.
Stifel MD Aaron Rakers notes from IDC’s tracker that “All-Flash revenue now accounts for 19 per cent of total storage revenue, up from 15 per cent and 10 per cent in the prior and year-ago quarters, respectively,” and “hybrid storage revenue of $2.3 billion declined 5.1 per cent y/y, marking the 5th consecutive quarter of y/y decline.”
Rakers tabulated supplier numbers which make for some interesting reading:/p>
- EMC (XtremIO and VMAX/VNX) - 36 per cent share - up 204 per cent y/y
- NetApp (EF540/550 and AF FAS) - 16.1 per cent - up 362 per cent y/y
- Pure Storage - 13.4 per cent up 204.6 per cent y/y
- HP (3PAR 7450) - 12.5 per cent - up 208 per cent y/y
- IBM (FlashSystem) - 11 per -cent - up 143 per cent y/y
- Violin Memory - 1.1 per cent - up 58 per cent y/y
- Others - 9.8 per cent - up 121 per cent y/y
Of the standalone flash array startups, only Pure Storage and Violin rate individual mentions. ®