This article is more than 1 year old

Red Hat tosses Ansible Galaxy into the open source gale

Take it, DevOps with it, bring it back – if you want

Red Hat has open sourced its code repository for Ansible to run DevOps.

The Linux flinger has released to GitHub its Galaxy code repository for Ansible.

Now it is an open source project you can create your own Galaxy servers, while Galaxy stands to benefit from new features and enhancements that flow in.

Tim Cramer, head of engineering for Ansible at Red Hat, said in a statement: “The Ansible community is thriving, and Red Hat hopes that by open sourcing the Ansible Galaxy code repository, we will be able to advance open source automation technology, and specifically Ansible Galaxy, in new and interesting ways.”

Ansible is the software project released in 2012 to configure and manage computer and server nodes to manage deployment of software and run tasks.

It is agentless automation and management software which employs familiar programming knowledge – working over SSH or over PowerShell and using YAML.

It has gone on to become extremely popular, doubling in a year to 2,200 contributors from when Red Hat bought the company behind Ansible, AnsibleWorks, in October 2015. Red Hat paid a reported $100m for Ansible.

Ansible is today included in Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Scientific Linux. ®

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