This article is more than 1 year old

Hello |FNAME|, this is the Obama-bot Drupal chat module speaking

White House open-sources presidential Facebook Messenger chatbot

The White House has open-sourced the bot that president Obama uses to automatically respond to messages sent on Facebook Messenger

Yours for the forking on GitHub the bot is, says White House chief digital officer Jason Goldman, “a Drupal module, complete with easy steps and boiler plate code.”

“This will enable Drupal 8 developers to quickly launch a Facebook Messenger bot. We also left a few lines in the repository describing our hopes for the future of the code and encouraging members of the developer community to get involved.”

Among those “few lines” are one calling for future forkers to “Refactor as much of the code as possible to be usable in a generalPHP context, outside of Drupal.” Another says “It would be great to see someone from the community polish the code and contribute it to [].”

Perhaps unsettlingly, the repository's README says the module could do with better documentation on “fetching and storing a user's info from Facebook.”

The Register is yet to find Republican objections to the bot, but we imagine a 'coder' movement suggesting Obama was never in fact human can't be far off. When that theory emerges we will ignore it, as is proper for the liberal media as part of our efforts to actively rig the election. ®

Bootnote: Last paragraph is satire. Probably. Because who knows how deep this conspiracy goes?

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