This article is more than 1 year old
Datto buys into a right Mesh. The good kind
Cloud-managed Wi-Fi access for 'DNA' (acronym, not ludicrous business metaphor)
Datto is getting in a right mesh. The backup service vendor is buying Open Mesh to improve its managed service provider offering.
Datto was founded in 2007 by CEO Austin McChord, and received $25m in A-round funding in 2013, followed by a whacking $75m B-round in 2015.
Open Mesh was set up in 2005 by Michael Burmeister-Brown, and is based in Portland, Oregon, with an office in Hong Kong. Its technology is about deploying enterprise-grade, plug-and-play, Wi-Fi networks with a CloudTrax controller in the cloud.
It provides wireless networking systems to IT service providers and integrators around the globe, managing more than 80,000 networks with millions of wireless users. The company offers cloud-managed access points and switches, and the CloudTrax cloud management platform. The entire Open Mesh team will join Datto as a subsidiary company and will maintain its Portland, Oregon headquarters and worldwide distribution networks.
Datto says the idea is to give MSPs the opportunity to expand their offerings to include network continuity and access reliability. Its Datto Networking Appliance (DNA) product offers a combined router, Wi-Fi and 4G failover and unified threat management. So the Open Mesh tech complements that.
A customer business location could use Open Mesh Wi-Fi to link various systems to a DNA service front-end. This would squirt backup data from them to a Datto MSP’s cloud vault.
McChord’s announcement quote said: “Our acquisition of Open Mesh gives our MSP partners even more opportunity to provide value to their customers ensuring they have an easy to use, reliable cloud-managed wireless network.”
Open Mesh is Datto’s second acquisition after Backupify, purchased in 2014. The Datto acquisition terms were not disclosed. Datto and Open Mesh products will be available in EMEA from Q3, 2016. ®