This article is more than 1 year old

David Hockney creates new Sun masthead. Now for The Reg...

Over to you, dear readers. Start your MS Paint engines!

Logowatch Artist David Hockney has redesigned the masthead of The Sun newspaper – and in the spirit of free expression and artistic endeavour we want you, dear Reg readers, to join us in honouring this beacon moment in the cultural life of Great Britain.

79-yr-old Hockney put finger to iPad on behalf of Rupert Murdoch’s super soaraway tabloid title this week.

His impression of the paper’s masthead – the big logo graphic at the top of the front page – will run on all 1.6 million copies of the paper sold today across the UK.

Hockney told the paper: “I was delighted to be asked. Once I thought about the idea it didn’t take me long. The sun and The Sun. I love it.”

Next week around 250 pieces of Hockney’s art, spanning his entire 60-year career, will go on display at the Tate Britain art gallery in London.

David Hockney's interpretation of The Sun's masthead

David Hockney's interpretation of The Sun's masthead, for the 3 February 2017 edition

In recent years the septuagenarian artist has used his iPad and iPhone to create his works, including The Arrival of Spring and Beverley Hills Housewife.

Reader competition

To honour the great man’s contribution to the cultural life of the nation and the design of its favourite* tabloid, we here at Vulture Central want to invite you, the Reg readership, to create your own masthead redesigns in the same style as Hockney’s interpretation of The Sun.

Here’s our starter for ten, lovingly crafted after entire minutes in Microsoft Paint, upon a canvas 648 pixels wide.

Look upon my works, ye mighty, and giggle inanely. Sorry, David

Sorry, David

Go right ahead and post your versions in the comments section. The best one will win a genuine piece of original Reg tat from Vulture Central, possibly including Reg-branded USB sticks, a tshirt, packets of popcorn or a 13 amp fuse. ®

Terms and conditions: You agree to give us the rights to your immortal soul in exchange for entering. You have no automatic right to any tat unless you turn up and scare us shitless down the pub on Friday night. Steve Jobs is not included. This contract shall be governed by the laws of Brexitannia. If you have to ask, you won’t understand.


The Sun outsells all other national newspapers in print, with an audited daily circulation of 1,611,464 copies. This allows it to call itself Britain’s most popular newspaper, as well as Britain’s most popular tabloid. The figures were down 10 per cent year-on-year.

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