This article is more than 1 year old
Zerto SNAFU can cause data corruption on Nutanix boxen
DR upstart's board adds chap with data loss experience: Yahoo! CFO Ken Goldman
Nutanix users protecting their data with Zerto software need to pay close attention to the latter's recently-released 5.0U2 as it fixes a problem that could cause data corruption.
Zerto slipped out a warning about the problem last week, explaining that its software could induce IO errors that lead to data corruption. As Zerto's release notes (PDF) explain, the problem only manifests “when the Nutanix IO Control feature is used” and even then only under limited circumstances.
But as VCDX certification holder and blogger Derek Seaman points out, the problem is hard to detect because the bug “resulted in the OS thinking a write operation had been completed when in fact it had not. Thus, the application thought data had been written to disk when in fact it had not.”
With all lights green, users would therefore be oblivious to missing data.
Nutanix chap Michael Webster also offers some further explanation on the mess and also lets us know that Nutanix was "able to reproduce the issue and worked with Zerto to get the problem reproduced and corrected. We have confirmed Zerto 5.0 U2 has resolved the issue."
Zerto's support portal offers updated software that nixes the problem, and many other minor woes.
The company has also bolstered its board with someone who knows a lot about data going astray, namely Yahoo!'s chief financial officer Ken Goldman.
Zerto says the reason he was brought aboard was because he's had lots of experience scaling companies, thanks to stints as CFO of Fortinet, Siebel Systems, Excite@Home, Sybase and Cypress Semiconductor. Goldman has also had seats on boards of GoPro and other tech concerns. ®