This article is more than 1 year old
Health data 'vault' app floats into's G-Cloud. *cough* GDPR *cough*
Anyone interested? NHS? Bueller? Bueller?
National Health Service trusts can consolidate their data in readiness for GDPR by buying an Analytics Private Health Data Vault service, based on Commvault's Clinical Archive product, says its maker.
Flying Binary says its Analytics Private Health Data Vault service can be bought through the G-Cloud 9 app store.
We're told this service facilitates GDPR compliance of a trust's applications, the decommissioning of expensive legacy systems, and the consolidation and normalisation of patient data to enable operational health analyses and a single view of patient data.
Phew. Who or what is the GDPR, Flying Binary, G-Cloud 9 and Commvault's Clinical Archive?
GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation, is an EU-crafted data storing regulation, coming into force in May 2018, specifying how organisations holding personal data process and control it.
Flying Binary is a self-described web science company based in the UK and founded in 2009 which provides data analytics (Tableau) and cloud computing services. It is accredited on the G-Cloud Services Framework, which means it can sell stuff through the G-Cloud portal or digital marketplace to UK public sector bodies.
G-Cloud is not Google Cloud but the UK Government Cloud, and it is meant to provide an online App Store or digital marketplace for UK Public sector organisations to buy IT offerings from smaller providers, such as Flying Binary, bypassing the cumbersome existing procurement processes.
Commvault's Clinical Archive stores PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) data for hospitals and medical institutions. This provides automation and orchestration capabilities, enterprise data management, search and analytics.
The UK's NHS is organised into regional trusts which buy their own IT services. A typical trust might have between 350 and 500 different standalone applications, all holding patient data. They will already have PACS systems which store patient records. The trusts and their PACS, which Flying Binary calls legacy systems, will have to adhere to the GDPR regulations from May next year.
They can now buy a GDPR-compliant PACS system from Flying Binary which is based on Commvault's Clinical Archive offering. Their legacy data is accessible through it and available for bulk migration.
Flying Binary points out that when trust legacy systems are no longer in use, they cannot be decommissioned for compliance reasons until the data they hold is removed. The end result could be a single, Commvault-based PACS data silo which ought to be tidier and easier to both manage and search. ®