This article is more than 1 year old
El Reg partners with Action for Children to give IT industry an uncomfortable night
And think of the children of course...
We’re pleased as punch to announce that The Register is the official media partner for Byte Night, the annual sleepout fundraiser for Action for Children, the UK charity which has been caring and sticking up for vulnerable young people for 150 years.
So, over the next few months you can expect regular exhortations to pull your finger out and put your name down for one of the ten October 6 sleep-outs up and down the country, from bracing Stormont and Glasgow, down to the comparatively balmy London and Bristol, and all points between.
Wherever you shake out your bedroll, you’ll be with fellow techies who are prepared to put in a bit of hard work raising at least a grand each for the privilege of spending a chilly October night sleeping rough at one of ten UK locations.
OK, we say rough. Ground sheets and survival bags are provided, as is a hot main meal and breakfast. And you’ll be able to have a little warmer at the cash bar on every site as you do your pre-kip networking with your fellow techies. The person in the next sleeping bag could be BT’s CIO, or a partner at Accenture, or that elusive contact at Microsoft you’ve been chasing for months. Or if you’re really lucky, a Reg scribe who’s gotten lost on the way home from the Friday night debrief.
And if that pre-bedtime single malt or hot chocolate doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies, the fact that one night of mild discomfort for you will help young people for whom sleeping out is a regular hazard, or even a daily reality, will.
So, you might ask yourself why, as the 20th sleep out approaches, The Register has decided to throw its not inconsiderable weight behind Byte Night.
You might think it’s because the money raised by having your discomfort sponsored goes to help more than 390,000 children, young people and families each year. That includes 83,000 youngsters who are homeless in the UK every year through family breakdown, mental health issues, abuse or just pure bad luck.
Or you might think it’s because Action for Children asked, and doing our bit to keep a bunch of the UK’s IT elite uncomfortable for a whole night appeals to us.
But none of that really matters. What does matter is whether you want to do something out of the ordinary to help.
Sound good? Good. All you need to do is go here and sign up now. You can start raising cash straight can choose a sleeping bag later. ®