This article is more than 1 year old

Vivaldi Arms onto Raspberry Pi

A power browser for the hobbyists

The power user’s browser Vivaldi has come to the Raspberry Pi and other Linux Arm boards.

The Chrome-based browser will run on all three generations of the Pi, as well as the CubieBoard and ASUS’s Tinker Board, Vivaldi said today.

Vivaldi has supported Linux (and Mac) since it made its debut, but this is the first Arm port, a milestone on the road to a mobile version that it pledged to produce last year.

There's no shortage of browsers for the hobbyist Pi platform, but none are as feature-rich as Vivaldi

Despite big performance gains in the latest Firefox, Vivaldi’s philosophy remains unchanged from the original Opera: put the useful features in the application code, rather than requiring the user to rig up dozens of add-ons to achieve the same effect.

Youtube Video

In August, Vivaldi helped kill off looping GIFs, and it has pledged to see if it can kill off unwanted video too.

The November release of the desktop browser stepped up its window management, a traditional weakness of Chrome and Firefox, its well-funded rivals in the browser. ®

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