This article is more than 1 year old
Telegram crypto-chat chap says Apple has 'restricted' its app updates worldwide
Noooooo, my stickers!
Telegram backer and self-proclaimed "global entrepreneur" Pavel Durov has blamed a lack of updates to his app on Apple "not siding with us" in the ongoing furore in Russia over the crypto-chat platform.
In a post on his own Telegram channel today, Durov apologised for some features not working under just-released iOS 11.4. He went on to allege that Apple had "prevented" updates to the Telegram app on a global basis after Russian officials ordered the platform removed from Tim Cook's walled garden.
Durov has said that Russia accounts for just 7 per cent of the Telegram user base, and claims Apple has nevertheless "restricted" updates for users around the world since mid-April.
The timing is odd. It usually takes around a week for Apple to either approve an app or give some indication as to why it has been rejected. It has, at time of writing, been two months since the last update in the app store (version 4.8.1).
Durov also blames Apple for Telegram being unable to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation due to the alleged block on updates. Back in April he was thanking the Jesus phone-flinger (along with Google, Amazon and Microsoft) "for not taking part in political censorship".
How times change.
The Register has contacted Apple for comment and asked Telegram when the last attempt was made to update the app and why it has taken until now to announce the problem. As yet, neither have responded. ®