This article is more than 1 year old

What if tech moguls brewed real ale?

How to get in free – or for cheap – at the Great British Beer Festival

Updated: Competition The fine people at CAMRA are also fans of The Register, and are giving away both free and discount tickets for possibly one of the greatest shows on Earth: the incredible Great British Beer Festival at Olympia next month.

To get in free, you must enter the competition below.

Free entry will go to the five readers (and two of their mates – each winner will receive three tickets) deemed worthy of showing signs of wit (or even life). All you have to do is come up with a name for a technology-themed real ale that amuses the staff at Vulture HQ. The five entries deemed the wittiest will get in free, provided you can send us an email address.

So for example, you may want to create your real ale brew brand in honour of a disturbing and possibly psychopathic tech CEO. Such as Ellison's Pyrex of the Caribbean (og.1035). (Yacht did you say? - Ed) Or Zuck's Slurper. Or Google's award-winning Creepy Line ("not to be crossed" – Roger Protz). Or Musk's You're Falcon Joking, Mate.

Or you may, we hope, adopt a more subtle theme. Just make it funny – which is not as easy as it looks. Don't forget to include pretentious Tasting Notes.

Over to you. ®

Updated at 1548 on 31 July to add:

Our thirsty readers have swilled all the 50 per cent off offer tickets from discount code bucket, but don't worry, you'll still get £2 off the entrance fee tickets with our promo code: GBBF2018ELREG.

Updated 3 August, 2018: See the winning entries here.

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