This article is more than 1 year old

Cops called after pair enter Canadian home and give it a good clean

Mounties remind residents to lock their doors

O Canada, great northern land of milk in bags, merciless winters, maple syrup and leaving your front door unlocked, at least according to firebrand filmmaker Michael Moore. However, Mounties have warned residents of Nova Scotia against the latter after two women entered a home uninvited – and cleaned it.

The homeowner, who was out, called cops around 3pm local time last Tuesday after being alerted by a neighbour who saw the pair wandering the property wielding a vacuum cleaner and mop.

Police determined the home had been left open so that the neighbour could walk the owner's dog. Instead, professional cleaners rucked up and gave the place a good scrubbing before leaving, oblivious to the fact they had attended the wrong address.

"Although the house was cleaned for free, [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] would like to take this opportunity to remind homeowners to ensure their doors are locked at all times," the Mounties said in a statement praising neighbours for being observant and contacting the homeowner.

The cleaners were said to be apologetic, but it's unclear whether their original target had to cough up for the impromptu free service.

Indeed, most people would probably wish for this kind of break-in over the trauma of an actual burglary.

Moore's claim that Canadians don't lock their doors first appeared in his controversial film Bowling For Columbine (2002) and has attracted ire from Canucks in the following years for being wildly inaccurate. The director seems to view the country through a utopian lens when compared to the crime and gun incidents of his troubled US homeland.

Funnily enough, in this case his myth rings true. ®

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