This article is more than 1 year old
Register Lecture: Is space law 'hurting' commercial exploration?
Staying safe in Musk's brave new world

Space – the final frontier, a place for pioneers to carve out their destiny and their fortunes, free from pencil-neck officials telling them what they can't do. Right? Wrong.
Space is governed by a mix of existing laws found here on Earth, but with buccaneers like Elon Musk determined to colonise Mars and commercial operators sizing up tourism and asteroid mining, is space law no longer fit for purpose? There's a growing concern space law has failed to keep pace with developments and that it is restricting commercial activities.
So whose word is law in Musk's Martian paradise? What happens when somebody's asteroid claim is infringed or when a tube load of tourists are toasted on re-entry?
Join Professor Sa'id Mosteshar to find out. Mosteshar is a practicing barrister and director of the London Institute of Space Policy and Law. At The Reg's November lecture, he will discuss how space law operates – and what's next. An independent research group, ISPL, has worked closely on this topic with the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs, national space agencies, and a range of commercial enterprises and others conducting research and helping shape policy.
So, leave behind the media obsession with Musk's silver re-entry vehicle and join Mosteshar and fellow Reg readers to find out how space law is failing to keep up with technology – and how we keep exploration, space tourism and living off-world safe and legal.
Mosteshar will be speaking at Bloomsbury's Rugby Tavern. Doors open at 18:30 UK time for a 19:00 start. Refreshments will be served at 19:45 followed by an audience Q&A. Tickets here. ®