This article is more than 1 year old
Atlantic City auctions off chance to hit Big Red Button and make grotesque Trump Plaza casino go boom
Can we do Trump Tower next?
Off he went with a Trumpety-Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump. It's all we've heard for the past four years, and if the pandemic has done an iota of good, it's to have wrested some of the news agenda off the United States' lunatic ex-president.
Sure, he had some time in the sun whining about how Joe Biden got more votes than him – that's democracy, baby – but hopefully soon we will see and hear a lot less of The Donald. However, you – yes, you – could go one step further and help erase his name from Atlantic City in New Jersey if you have the bucks to back you up.
America's Playground is holding a charity auction for the chance to press the Big Red Button and wipe the mouldering Trump Plaza off the face of the boardwalk and, indeed, the planet with a controlled detonation.
The property functioned as a casino between 1984 and 2014. It has since been sitting there empty, dragging the rest of the resort down. Trump himself even attempted to sue his former casino company because it was too shabby to bear his glorious name.
Demolition work began at the start of the year, but the hulking structure still stands. The winning bidder during the live auction on 19 January will have the honour of tearing it down 10 days later. The listing reads:
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to bid on the right to push the button to implode Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, NJ. As you may or may not know, the Trump Plaza has been scheduled demolition and leveled off the boardwalk of Atlantic City. For several years it has been sitting empty and now is the time to end an era and replace it with something new. We are selling the experience to push the button to implode Trump Plaza. This will be done remotely and can be done anywhere in the world as well as close to the Plaza as we can safely get you there! All Proceeds of this auction will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City, NJ. Ever since the start of this pandemic they have seen an increase of young children and adolescents benefit from the services of The Boys & Girl Club and are in need of all the assistance they can get for the community. This will be a live broadcasted sale so we hope to see you on sale day and start the year with a Bang!
Hear that? You don't even have to be in Atlantic City to unleash righteous, implosive fury on this carbuncle. And you'd be helping out the locals who have been left rather miffed by the tweeter-in-chief dabbling in their hometown.
Mayor Marty Small said: "Some of Atlantic City's iconic moments happened there, but on his way out, Donald Trump openly mocked Atlantic City, saying he made a lot of money and then got out," which is very presidential of him, don't you think? Small added: "I wanted to use the demolition of this place to raise money for charity."
The Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City says it is "dedicated to providing programs and services in a safe, enriching environment, to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as caring, productive and responsible citizens."
A worthy cause. The auction is estimated to fetch between $500 and $500,000, though 17 bidders have registered interest already and the only available offer to make now is £175,000 and up.
So tech CEOs. We know you're reading. That's chump change. Any of you have an itchy trigger finger? ®