This article is more than 1 year old

Vintage? Good for vinyl records, bad for systems of record

Emulation could make more sense than migration. Here’s why…

Webcast There’s nothing like the joy finding a piece of vintage vinyl on eBay, having it appear on your doorstep, then watching your friends’ faces light up as you drop the needle into the groove.

It’s certainly nothing like the stress of having to scour eBay for parts for that sputtering vintage SPARC box that is still inexplicably crucial to the smooth running of your trading desk or research lab, while your colleagues fret that this time it’s down for good.

Yet aging tech, from PA-RISC to PDP to Vax, pops up in all sorts of places, and you can almost guarantee that the older it is, the more worried everyone is about decommissioning it in case of … well, nobody knows, and that’s the problem.

But what if there was a way to keep that vintage software running on shiny new systems, without having to worry about the underlying hardware, and all without the stress of a wholesale migration process. What if you could just move it all to the cloud?

If that sounds more unlikely than the fact some of the world’s top research labs are still using systems that are older than most of the researchers, then you should really join our upcoming webcast, Legacy Server Emulation on Azure, which will be coming to a (non-green) screen near you on April 21, at 0900 PDT (1200 EDT, 1700 BST).

Proceedings will be overseen by Tim Phillips, who’s lived through an awful lot of history in his own right. He’ll be joined by Microsoft Azure migration expert Jonathan Frost, and John Prot from emulation specialists Stromasys.

Together, they’ll take you through the nuts and bolts of pulling the plug on aging systems and emulating them on Azure.

They’ll walk you through how to do a complete lift and shift and highlight how emulating vintage platforms in this way won’t just deliver massive benefits for your business, but also, crucially, for your state of mind.

Luckily joining this invaluable session is a thoroughly modern process. Just register here and we’ll update your calendar and give you a nudge on the day. In the meantime, sit tight, and try not to worry about the strange noises and vague smell of smoke emanating from your no longer so shiny PA-RISC system in the corner.

Brought to you by Stromasys

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