This article is more than 1 year old
Ever wondered what makes hackers tick? Find out from Kevin Mitnick at this virtual event
Rubrik Data Security Talks also features Anonymous veteran, top security leaders
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And if you’d like an insight into how cyber attackers really think, you should join Rubrik’s upcoming Data Security Talks on July 1, at 1000 CEST (0900 BST).
That’s because this free, online event will feature a one-hour presentation from notorious hacker and social engineering pioneer, Kevin Mitnick. He famously spent the best part of two decades hacking computer and telecoms systems, primarily using social engineering, and served two prison sentences before becoming a security consultant.
On July 1, he’ll be demonstrating cutting edge hacking techniques, and explaining how to fight back against social engineering, spear phishing, and ransomware attacks.
Also speaking is Mike Jones, a former member of Anonymous, the hacktivist collective, who will take you behind the mask, But as well as giving you unprecedented insight into how cyber attackers work and think, Rubrik’s Data Security Talks agenda also gives you a chance to hear from some of the finest brains working to counter the bad guys.
You’ll also hear from Microsoft Chief Security Advisor Sarah Armstrong-Smith, and Palo Alto Networks’ Kyle Van Schalkwyk, and, of course, top experts from Rubrik itself.
Along the way, you’ll gain insight into how to apply threat impact analysis and sensitive data discovery, tips on how to fight back against ransomware, and accelerate data recovery if you are caught out, and how to implement an end-to-end security workflow across your environment.
Incredibly, this is all delivered in just two and a half information-packed hours, which you can access for absolutely nothing. In fact, if you join this session live, Rubrik will send you an exclusive t-shirt.
So, if you want to know what’s motivating the people who are trying to steal your precious data, and get a head start on thwarting them, don’t delay. Head here and register today.
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