This article is more than 1 year old

Information is power, data is omnipotent

Real time data can be a win-win for any business when smartly employed

Webinar The idea of information as power has been around since the days of stone tablets. And in our digital data-driven age, the way information speeds from one fixed point to another in real time is critical for developing organizational resilience and revenue growth.

Real time data (RTD), the kind that powers recommendations and personalization or up to date inventory and logistics, can be a win-win for any company when smartly adopted and strategically employed.

Join The Register's Tim Phillips in discussion with Bryan Kirschner, Vice President Strategy from Datastax to hear more on October 5th at 2pm BST/3pm CEST. Together they will consider the spread of RTD and ponder on how to make your RTD projects work.

Datastax's latest report: isbased on a survey of more than 500 leading technology companies. It looks at the strategies they use to drive RTD-related revenue growth and the potential for RTD to help developers streamline and enhance their performance and overcome constraints and barriers to adoption.

Register for the webinar here and we will send you a reminder.

Sponsored by Datastax.

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