This article is more than 1 year old

Elon is the bakery owner swearing in the street about Yelp critics canceling him

First he was speed-running moderation, now internet advertising. Welcome to the party, pal

Kettle By now Elon Musk should be used to high-risk maneuvers. If it's not SpaceX landing reusable rockets or docking manned capsules in orbit, it's Teslas hitting the road under AI control.

Yet this week he tried one particular gambit we're not sure how he'll recover from: telling his Twitter advertisers to go f**k themselves during an uncomfortable interview.

The billionaire tycoon was irate that Apple, IBM, Comcast, and others have pulled their ads from Twitter, aka X, and claimed this boycott could kill the social network.

As journos following these big names in tech, and knowing all too well what it's like navigating the internet's seas with advertising dollars as the wind in our sails, we got together to analyze Musk's situation and outlook.

You can replay our chat about it all below – or listen via your favorite podcast distributor when available: RSS and MP3, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and Google.

On today's 16-minute show we have, clockwise from top left in the thumbnail, vultures Thomas Claburn, Brandon Vigliarolo, Chris Williams, and host Iain Thomson.

This episode was produced and edited by Nicole Hemsoth Prickett. You can find previous Kettles right here. ®

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