This article is more than 1 year old

What are our top picks from the vast world of retro tech? Let's find out

Stand by to be amazed: Lotus Notes is still being developed

Kettle It's Retro Tech Week here at The Register, and we've got four of our vultures together to talk about old computers and software that, in one form or another, thankfully refuses to die.

You can replay our informal chat below – or listen via your favorite podcast distributor: RSS and MP3, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and Google.

Get yourself a cup of your favorite brew and enjoy about 18 minutes of El Reg hacks with more than 100 years of technology experience between them going through the highs and lows of yesteryear systems.

Liam Proven, top left after you hit play, tells us why the Sinclair QL was so good and not quite so good. Dan Robinson, top right, reveals his long history with Lotus Notes. Richard Speed, bottom right, dives into emulators and replacement parts. And host Iain Thomson, bottom left, talks about his love for Elite.

The episode was produced and edited by Nicole Hemsoth Prickett. You can find previous Kettles here, and our latest Retro Tech Week coverage here. ®

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