This article is more than 1 year old

The ever-present state of cyber security alert

Should you be paying more attention to securing your AI models from attack?

Webinar As artificial intelligence (AI) technology becomes increasingly complex so do the threats from bad actors. It is like a forever war.

Half the time too, we barely know that we're using AI, largely because it's getting progressively cheaper and easier for organisations to introduce, train, validate and deploy AI models and applications. But are we paying enough attention to keeping them safe from cyber criminals that might want to exploit them in other ways?

Associated tools can be unproven, and it is not instantly clear how they can leave you exposed to cyber attack. So if there's ever been a time to be better informed about the processes and services that can help your business safely realise the benefits of new AI technology, this might be it.

Cloudflare aims to help you on that journey by sharing its experience of protecting many of the largest and most popular AI applications available today. Join our webinar on 22 February at 4pm GMT/11am ET/8am PT to hear more as The Reg's Tim Phillips chats with John Engates, Field CTO at Cloudflare about the risks and how to manage them effectively.

Tim and John will discuss how consuming and deploying AI can increase your attack surface in the most unexpected ways before moving on to discuss the tools, techniques and services that can minimize or eliminate vulnerabilities and consider practical steps to secure your use of AI.

Sign up to watch our From APIs to Zero Trust: Secure your AI webinar here and we'll remind you when it's time to log in.

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