Getting strategic about data analytics

How to innovate and institute optimal governance with Google’s Data Cloud

Webinar It can feel as if there's never enough time to keep up with the ever-expanding pool of knowledge and expertise which anyone involved in planning data analytics strategies needs to acquire.

If we're not ahead of the game and aware of what's coming down the line, how can we drive operational excellence after all? Fortunately, Google Data Cloud's product management team is on hand to offer an invitation-only Data Analytics Innovation Roadmap session which might provide some of the answers.

Join this TechByte webinar on 5 March at 9am GMT/4am ET/1am PT as it takes you through recent innovations, strategy and plans for tools including Google BigQuery, Streaming Analytics, Data Lakes, Data Integration, AI/ML and Looker which can help get you started.

You'll get an overview from Chad Jennings, Google Cloud Group Product Manager and learn about the state of the market with Yasmeen Ahmad, Managing Director, Product Activation, Data Analytics. Later you'll be joining Brian Welcker, Prajakte Damle and Abhishek Kashyap, Directors, Product Management, and Shan Kulandaivel, Group Product Manager, Google Cloud as they give the lowdown on the Google Big Query Suite.

You can pre-register to join this TechByte webinar here and we'll send you a reminder when it's time to watch.

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