In support of Internet projects

Company offering cloud-based hosting, mail, SaaS, backup, CDN and other services celebrates 27th birthday

Sponsored Post Cloud hosting provides a lifeline for companies that need to quickly and securely design and provision web-based services.

And companies like NetArt Group play an important role in providing organisations with the flexibility to register domains needed for the secure delivery of Internet content, SaaS applications and email services.

The firm recently celebrated its 27 birthday, having accommodated more than a million customers worldwide since its inception in April 1997, during which time it has registered more than 5m domains and launched more than 500,000 hosting services.

Its flagship service platform is CloudHosting, operated by NetArt Group subsidiary This hosts customer websites on hundreds of servers rather than a single machine to boost performance and avoid disruption with automatic failover to least busy servers in the event of any sudden increase in traffic load. CloudHosting is integrated alongside a content delivery network (CDN) spanning Singapore, Los Angelese, Washington, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Madrid which hosts web pages on servers as geographically close to the end user as possible to reduce latency and boost website and service performance and SEO optimisation even further.

The company's nodes are connected by high speed fibre optic networks built on Juniper routers and switches and Fortinet security systems. That network has a total capacity over for 400Gbit/s backed by high availability redundancy with links to major international and local providers via key traffic exchange points.

Customers can register a domain using an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that creates a unique entry based on word recognition, adding security tools such as DNS Anycast, DNSSEC, SPF, KDIM, DNS over TLS, and DMARC to protect the account from cyber criminals intent on forgery or impersonation. recently introduced applications and database servers available under a SaaS model, using Kubernetes containerisation technology to automate and manage the provisioning up to eight vCPUs and high availability compute resources to power customer applications and workloads. Alongside cloud hosing, SaaS, secure email and DNS, also offers cloud and mail backup services.

You can read more about NetArt's hosting services by clicking this link.

Sponsored by NetArt Group.

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