Welsh woman fined for flatulence-fueled cyber harassment

Court said her approach to child access dispute with partner's ex really stinks

Wales has given the world many things – Tom Jones, laverbread, and the equals sign. But one woman from Caernarfon has added weaponized flatulence to the list. Her unorthodox approach to WhatsApp landed her with a community order and fines.

The court heard that the 25-year-old stinkerbell, Rhiannon Evans, sent a series of videos to her boyfriend's former partner of her holding her smartphone camera to her rear end, farting into it while smirking throughout.

The series of four tootally "malicious" messages, sent on December 22, were deemed tantamount to cyber harassment. Evans may have even got away with it if she stopped after the resulting police warning.

Her fartal error, however, was sending additional videos on Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Evans was later arrested at her home and admitted to the gaseous exchanges.

According to North Wales Live, which reported the story from Caernarfon magistrates' court, the victim, Deborah Prytherch, was perturbed by Evans's messages, saying: "I would like to feel safe in my home."

The court also heard that the relationship between Evans, her partner, and Prytherch came to blows amid disputes over access to child visitation. Evans and her ex had previously been in a relationship for two years.

"She admitted she had sent the videos," said prosecutor Diane Williams. "She suggested she wanted to send videos because she felt her partner was being treated unfairly.

"It was purely malicious. She was smirking throughout, found it hilarious, but the victim didn't."

Evans's solicitor said her client had issues related to her mental health, had a difficult upbringing, and sent all the videos after having "some drinks."

She was also said to be unaware that her actions were illegal and refuted the prosecution's accusation that the messages were sent with malicious intent.

Regardless, the wind didn't blow in Evans's favor. She was handed a 12-month community order and told to pay £100 ($124) in compensation to Prytherch and £199 ($247) in costs.

Regarding Evans's alcohol consumption, she was also ordered to attend 15 rehabilitation sessions and abstain from booze for 60 days. In the UK, this is monitored by an ankle-worn device that takes a sample of the wearer's sweat every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day. The device and stored samples are then returned and analyzed for any signs of alcohol use.

Evans was also handed a two-year restraining order, preventing contact with Prytherch. ®

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