Comment HP's big splash on EDS all about shrinkage Hurd 'The Butcher' gets out his knife 11 Jul 00:36 | 15
Networks Mobe operators warn of ruin if regulators set roaming charges 'Woe is us', cry hams 11 Jul 07:02 | 20
Channel Dept of Business waves WEEE stick at electronics vendors Time to raise your game, chaps 11 Jul 07:02 | 4
Legal Davis increases majority, says goodbye to Tory front bench Would turnout have been higher with stickers? 11 Jul 07:16 | 18
Round-up The Top Ten 3G iPhone beaters The very best smartphones - minus the Apple one 11 Jul 08:02 | 84
Science Boeing to build combo airship-copter flying cranes Canadians plan worldwide rental whirlyblimp service 11 Jul 08:02 | 42
Updated El Reg net closes on Street View fleet Third Orwellian Opel spotted in Brum 11 Jul 08:36 | 26
Personal Tech O2 buckles under 3G iPhone demand Early bird customers left out in cold 11 Jul 09:14 | 103
Legal Public sector faces hefty fines for data breaches Councils should scrap sales to database marketers 11 Jul 09:20 | 17
On-Prem Ryanair wins German court victory in screen-scraping injunction Aggregator Vtours ordered to stop 11 Jul 09:24 | 12
Networks London's black cabs get wireless payment kit Dismiss your cabbie with a wave 11 Jul 10:08 | 16
Personal Tech UK games biz demands closer ties with academia But wants someone else to make it happen 11 Jul 10:28 | 1
Science ISS cosmonauts extract Soyuz explosive bolt Pyro fitting suspected over ballistic re-entries 11 Jul 10:31 | 7
Devops Upgrade drags Stealth Bomber IT systems into the 90s We're looking for a Mr Gorb... Gorbachev 11 Jul 11:08 | 56
Bootnotes Woman finds Lithuanian living in shed He cleared her garden - a frightening experience 11 Jul 11:12 | 61
On-Prem Thales swoops on nCipher for hardware encryption goodness Scrambling for safety 11 Jul 11:18 | 1
Legal Yoof forum eats schoolkids, spits out ID card robodroids Blunkett and Smith ejected as barracking intensifies 11 Jul 12:04 | 41
Channel Has ISO already rejected anti-OOXML appeals? Standards ain't what they used to be 11 Jul 12:25 | 41
RoTM South African survives exploding fridge attack 'I thought the world was coming to an end' 11 Jul 12:32 | 30
Personal Tech Groundbreaking two-in-one tubular console controller uncovered Break-apart wireless controller spied online 11 Jul 13:03 | 6
Channel MediaMax/Linkup falls out of the cloud San Diego storage startup goes titsup 11 Jul 13:36 | 7
Personal Tech Truphone brings VoIP to the iPhone Just don't expect free calls any time soon 11 Jul 13:38 | 8
Legal Gadgets safe from global airport anti-piracy plan Conspiracy theory not conspiracy fact 11 Jul 13:54 | 27
Bootnotes Dog off the menu at Olympic restaurants Sorry, sir, we're right out of Pekingese 11 Jul 15:47 | 49
Personal Tech The iPhone 2.0 update - don't do it, kids That strange sense of disconnection 11 Jul 16:06 | 53
Channel Patent violation, prosecution, acquisition: pick your top open-source project Microsoft goes native with poll backing 11 Jul 19:19 | 11
Legal Cnet blogger squadron discovers long lines at Apple retail stores The brick and mortar cult 11 Jul 20:59 | 18
Science Green-loving California may dodge utility bill bullet While rest of the US pays 20-30% more 11 Jul 23:08 | 28
Exclusive IBM's eight-core Power7 chip to clock in at 4.0GHz Will fuel 300,000-core, 10 petaflop giant 11 Jul 23:45 | 64