Legal Patent troll sues Oprah, Sony over online book viewing 'We own the touchy, feely internet' 07 Jan 2009 | 21
Channel Intel accused of stealing chip virtualization, violating God's law Prison inmate sues Chipzilla for $5bn 07 Jan 2009 | 34
Science NASA warns of 'space Katrina' radiation storm Ill solar winds blow nobody any good 07 Jan 2009 | 34
Updated Norway's national broadcaster breaks Beatles download deadlock Till Beatles say Let it Be 07 Jan 2009 | 18
Networks New Year rings in better VoIP for all More VoIP options come to Windows Mobile and iPhone 07 Jan 2009 | 1
Bootnotes Speeding Oz teen may face 'gorillas in the mist' You won't enjoy the prison showers, magistrate warns 07 Jan 2009 | 49
Bootnotes Perv Oz burglar pumps and dumps Jungle Jane Cairns cops hunt inflatable doll shagger 07 Jan 2009 | 31
Channel Satyam chairman quits, admits faking accounts Coughs to years of profit puffing at Indian outsourcer 07 Jan 2009 | 15
Personal Tech M&S to sell Elonex netbooks 'I'll have a pack of spuds, three set of knickers and a PC' 07 Jan 2009 | 18
Science US forces order fuel-cell units for medevac stretchers I see you have the machine that goes ping, soldier 07 Jan 2009 | 4
Radio Reg High Zune: MS loads up for the CES shootout But it won't exactly be what you were expecting... 07 Jan 2009 | 14
Bootnotes Vogue model sues Google over 'defamatory' blog Lawsuit demands identity of 'old hag' libeller 07 Jan 2009 | 30
Channel Weak sigs found on one in seven SSL sites Survey highlights serious spoofability 07 Jan 2009 | 6
Science Send old Shuttles to Mars, says Scotty ashes prang man Admits they would land with 'a pretty good thump' 07 Jan 2009 | 67
Bootnotes Navy SEALs look to grapple with Brazilian Front mount and finishing expertise a must 07 Jan 2009 | 23
Bootnotes I've only shagged two blokes, insists Paris Hilton 'Mostly I just kiss', claims amateur grumble flick star 07 Jan 2009 | 58
Channel Ubuntu Eee undergoes cheesy Easy Peasy rebrand New distro eyes up netbook market 07 Jan 2009 | 27
Networks Verizon predicts Kindle copycatting If only people will make more phone calls 07 Jan 2009 | 1
Channel Who says COBOL doesn't get tweaks? IBM Power/AIX machines get 64-bit support - finally 07 Jan 2009 | 13
Channel VMware names second ex-Microsoft exec to leadership role Remember him as he was 07 Jan 2009 | 2
Channel IBM and ITIF pitch for $30bn to save America Giant job-producing IT stimulus package ahoy 07 Jan 2009 | 3
Networks Google Chocolate Factory now building routers? Why not? They're building everything else 07 Jan 2009 | 15