Bootnotes The internet is for violent jerks, study finds ...or violent jerks are for the internet 25 Feb 03:48 | 29
Security Banking app vuln surfaces 18 months after discovery Patch procrastination bares 24 sites 25 Feb 04:31 |
Legal Home Office plans to force CCTV on shops and pubs Buying booze? Smile for the camera 25 Feb 08:02 | 64
Science Snowstorm swallows GPS skiing gizmo's creator Probably not wearing the gadget, say mates 25 Feb 10:25 | 11
'Leccy Tech Cheery Chinese car maker makes splash with EV hatchback Design look familiar? 25 Feb 10:40 | 14
Software Ryanair trades blows with 'idiot blogger' Online booking glitch provokes almighty punch-up 25 Feb 10:52 | 70
Legal Obama says his new chopper is 'procurement gone amuck' 'The helicopter I have now seems quite adequate' 25 Feb 10:59 | 37
Networks Google blames Gmail outage on data centre collapse Domino effect crashes through the cloud 25 Feb 11:44 | 27
Personal Tech Intel sues Psion over 'netbook' trademark Chip giant accuses PDA pioneer of dirty tricks 25 Feb 11:46 | 36
Personal Tech Super-sensitive MS mouse goes on sale Blue-laser tracking tech deployed 25 Feb 11:55 | 1
Bootnotes UK kiddies cop a righteous tasering LibDems decry increase in electro-justice 25 Feb 12:17 | 61
Exclusive Japan's boffins: Global warming isn't man-made Climate science is 'ancient astrology', claims report 25 Feb 12:23 |
On-Prem Canadian prof: Green IT is a waste of time Digital nomads will destroy the planet 25 Feb 12:49 | 20
Legal Aussie internet-net will be drawn wider Comms minister expands on site blacklist 25 Feb 13:48 | 32
Bootnotes UK censors revolt against 'pornalone' ordeal The loneliness of the long-distance smutwatcher 25 Feb 13:56 | 38
Science NASA releases moon return globo-projection movie Can be played at home (with 4 HD projectors + 6 PCs) 25 Feb 14:11 | 18
Legal Small ISPs reject call to filter out child abuse sites IWF blocklist effective despite workarounds, charities argue 25 Feb 15:15 | 40
Legal Pirate Bay prosecutors get jiggy with charge sheet - again IFPI boss 'vague' on BitTorrent tech 25 Feb 15:38 | 70
Personal Tech Report names LG's phones as least reliable But firm's users are 'tech boffins' 25 Feb 17:07 | 6
Channel MS warns testers to activate Windows 7 beta Otherwise desktop will be painted black 25 Feb 17:11 | 26
Security Fraud linked to US payment processor breach Malware on servers to blame (again) 25 Feb 17:13 | 6
Personal Tech Sony shows off wacky fuel cell designs Power packs inspired by... er... radios and coffee machines 25 Feb 17:29 | 7
Security Microsoft aims 'non-security' update at gaping security hole Disabling Autorun once and for all 25 Feb 21:37 | 40
Personal Tech AMD lifts veil on six-core Constantinople Istanbul The Road from Shanghai 25 Feb 22:38 | 20