Databases SciDB: Relational daddy answers Google, Hadoop, NoSQL Stonebraker doesn't drop ACID 13 Sep 03:47 | 23
Legal IP address-tracing software breached data protection law Swiss court rules on Logistep 13 Sep 07:00 | 28
Legal IBM sees £50m sliced from fingerprinting deal UK national print database dropped 13 Sep 07:56 | 7
Bootnotes Post Office complaints: Write to M.BARRASS Special delivery recipient prompts red faces 13 Sep 09:00 | 28
Legal Europe begins revamp of rules on re-use of public info Asks for views on Public Sector Information Directive 13 Sep 09:08 |
WSA Playboy centrefold freaks out at 10,000 feet Couldn't pop a pill so chose airliner cabin door instead 13 Sep 09:30 | 78
Science Salvador Dalí style floppy iPad on the way, seemingly Flexy touch kit also means egg-juggling robot butlers 13 Sep 09:50 | 25
Software Office for Mac finally breaks out of Microsoft Developers mourn features that didn't make it 13 Sep 10:02 | 11
Channel Cyber-jihad hacker claims credit for 'Here you have' worm 'I could smash all those infected' 13 Sep 10:19 | 7
Networks Qualcomm grasps for gold while turning silver 'We're still relevant, and mainstream' 13 Sep 10:31 | 5
Personal Tech Amazon sells board games by inch and ounce Never mind the quality, feel the width! 13 Sep 10:34 | 7
Security Windows malware dwarfs other viral threats Guess that's why they call it window pain 13 Sep 10:57 | 48
Legal Police legal advice gives spam RIPA protection None for your read messages though 13 Sep 11:30 | 22
Science US Special Ops robot whispercopter crashes in Belize Jungle man-sniff radar spybird totalled in prang 13 Sep 11:36 | 11
Personal Tech 2 CPUS 1 CUPP Dual mode laptops: hybrid vigour or hybrid torpor? You decide 13 Sep 11:42 | 21
Personal Tech Nintendo hails Super Mario's silver anniversary Mama Mia - Wee Hee Heeee! 13 Sep 12:30 | 10
Legal Burglars used social network status updates to select victims I'm away from home 13 Sep 12:32 | 49
Bootnotes Naturist club objects to erection of five storey tower block Fears ping pong and boules will be exposed 13 Sep 12:37 | 52
Comment Celeb pics row shows ACPO in frame for shake-up Who's driving this thing anyway? 13 Sep 13:35 | 20
Sysadmin blog Reasons to be cheerful Doomsday Weekend 5: It's over, but that isn't the only good news 13 Sep 14:00 | 33
Channel Software re-sale restricted by US Court of Appeals You bought it from someone who didn't own it, chummy 13 Sep 15:16 | 71
Personal Tech Halo reaches out with Jetpack demo in Trafalgar Square Aargh, flying Spartans 13 Sep 15:57 |
Channel HP buys security tools firm ArcSight for $1.5bn More security biz consolidation 13 Sep 16:23 | 5
Security Adobe exploit bears fingerprints of hack on Google New in-the-wild attacks unearthed 13 Sep 18:06 | 12
Channel Ex-IBM heir apparent gets six months in the slammer No 'get-out-of jail-free' card, says US attorney 13 Sep 18:55 | 24
Software Google Code bear hugs all OSI open-source licenses But still frowns on 'license proliferation' 13 Sep 22:06 |
IDF Intel 'Sandy Bridge' to sport 'next-gen' over-clocking tech Bursty for better performance, lower power consumption 13 Sep 22:54 | 3
Channel Mozilla chucks Roc at Microsoft's new hardness IE9 acceleration talk rubbished 13 Sep 23:54 | 20
OSes Microsoft shields Russia's refuseniks from police harassment Investigates abuses in its name 13 Sep 23:58 | 17