2010: it's a wrap Apple iPad vs... the rest Duking it out with the Galaxy Tab et al 20 Dec 07:00 | 100
Channel Cabinet Office claims major savings on ICT Half a billion pounds saved after spending freeze, says Cabinet 20 Dec 10:14 | 18
Channel Magnetic vortices research uncovers a cool place to put data A lattice effect in manganese silicon at -245° Celsius 20 Dec 10:28 | 13
Security Bummed-out users give anti-virus bloatware the boot One in four switch off resource hogs 20 Dec 10:32 | 142
Personal Tech Nvidia Tegra 2 hailed as Honeycomb CPU of choice Google OS tablet reference design? 20 Dec 10:39 | 5
NSFW Jamie Oliver website offers graphic recipe for 'Pussy' User-generated beaver pie still on menu 20 Dec 10:54 | 28
Science Mexico mounts ROBOTIC ALIEN INVASION of US back yard Illegal alien, that is 20 Dec 11:34 | 19
Channel Microsoft's Office nagware dead in icy water Software giant quietly retires OGA program 20 Dec 11:46 | 29
Channel EU expresses 'private concerns' about Intel buyout of McAfee Multi-billion dollar takeover could be probed by watchdog 20 Dec 12:33 | 5
On-Prem BA flights website grounded by snow Looking for a seat? Flight information? Ask Santa 20 Dec 12:35 | 25
Legal No more books on Ireland's banned book list Censorship Board bored as no one submits smut for review 20 Dec 12:43 | 24
Science Missile defence FAIL: US 'kill vehicle' space weapon flunks test Fails to get in way of hurtling simulated nuke 20 Dec 12:48 | 53
Legal New UN committee could hand governments internet control Bottoms-up is best, quoth Google 20 Dec 13:24 | 11
Legal Pirate Bay backer takes case to Supreme Court Carl Lundström disputes appeals verdict 20 Dec 13:52 | 4
Security Car immobilisers easily circumvented by crafty carjackers Crap crypto to blame 20 Dec 13:54 | 66
Channel Use eGovernment to lower costs, says EU Commission Don't risk alienating the 'digital natives', says Neelie 20 Dec 14:19 | 2
Analysis 'Porn lock' heralds death of WikiLeaks, internet, democracy, universe Calm down, dears 20 Dec 14:19 | 132
Science MEGA DINO-WHALE from 'Valley of the Whales' exhibited Boffins unlock secrets of land-walking, legged proto-moby 20 Dec 16:02 | 28
On-Prem UK domain registry breaks 9 million Flab-fighting site is nona-millionth active domain 20 Dec 16:17 | 12
Software 'Don't panic: We're still Delicious,' says Yahoo!-owned Web2.0 outfit Hopes social bookmarking service will turn page 20 Dec 16:30 | 12
Security Spamhaus DDoS blamed on shady Russian hosts, not Anonymous Da svidaniya, kamerad: Traditional enemies fingered in weekend packet flood 20 Dec 17:06 | 13
Security Assange lawyers fume over leaked rape case docs Ultimate WikiLeaks irony embraced 20 Dec 19:22 | 146
Software Google open sources '$5m' in Java Eclipse tools Free code love Instantiated 20 Dec 21:08 | 7
Channel Microsoft answers Google MapReduce with 'Dryad' beta It's like Hadoop. Without the open source bit 20 Dec 23:21 | 15
Channel IBM super cleared for trivia showdown with humanity 'Do you want to play a game?' 20 Dec 23:38 | 25