OpenWorld Ellison brandishes 'speed of thought' Exalytics appliance Eat my digital dust, HP Autonomy and IBM Smarties 03 Oct 03:59 | 9
Security Adobe: crashing 100 million machines not an option Zero-day vulns get 6,000 man-hours of testing 03 Oct 05:00 | 33
Channel Citrix stretches XenServer 6.0 to cover bigger iron Chubbier VMs for heftier apps 03 Oct 05:25 |
Security Dozens of firms vie for £1bn crim tagging contracts Keeping tabs on 20,000+ offenders 03 Oct 07:44 | 8
Security Anonymous Twitter alternative developed for rioters Favoured by anti-Wall Street protesters, apparently 03 Oct 08:03 | 61
On-Prem UK punters happy to pay £3 to top up e-wallets We never knew you were so keen 03 Oct 08:33 | 86
Broadband World Forum Fibre up, broadband up, IPTV up in Europe Fibre-to-home numbers up 43 per cent 03 Oct 09:02 | 5
Personal Tech Violent videogames reduce crime Anti-gaming tests are flawed, says report 03 Oct 09:19 | 25
Security HTC Android handsets spew private data to ANY app Mystery data logger opens backdoor for slurping 03 Oct 09:23 | 62
Personal Tech iTunes beta, Vodafone flag up iPhone 4S 8GB iPhone 4 makes a pre-release appearance too 03 Oct 09:46 | 6
Geek Treat of the Week ThumbsUp Black Diamond glow-globe iPhone dock Psychodelic geodesic 03 Oct 10:00 | 4
Legal Osborne proffers £150m for mobile not spots Of your money, of course, not his 03 Oct 10:08 | 10
Networks Super Mario jumps on domain squatter Lackadaisical Nintendo finally says 'it's-a me!' 03 Oct 10:14 | 8
Networks Vodafone dishes out free unlimited data Three-month see-what-you-need period 03 Oct 10:23 | 9
On-Prem Ease data traffic jams with some network improvements Keeping up with bigger drives 03 Oct 10:30 | 1
Legal ICO consultation: What should public bodies disclose? Graham's office to push out code of practice by the end of the year 03 Oct 10:44 | 5
Science iPhones 'excellent for doing experiments on their owners' Researchers plan mass fanboi brain probes 03 Oct 11:18 | 24
Software Open Document Format updated to fix spreadsheets Check out the cross-product formula syntax on this baby 03 Oct 11:39 | 7
Personal Tech Toshiba touts 55in 3DTV with beefy resolution Biggest glasses-free set yet? 03 Oct 11:46 |
Science Best skiing in space is on Saturnian ice moon Enceladus Perfect powder, shame about the low gravity 03 Oct 11:58 | 14
Science Belgian buccaneers invade Rockall Radio hamburglars reprise epic Vulturine feat 03 Oct 12:05 | 32
Legal Ecclesiastical judge tells church: Let there be Wi-Fi Tinfoilers hamper case against by failure to show 03 Oct 12:13 | 52
Personal Tech Apple TV owners lost legal movie playback this weekend DRM server snafu deprives fanboys of films 03 Oct 12:28 | 42
Channel Cisco veep slags off HP's PC biz wobble Predicts doom for rival in not-so-secret document 03 Oct 12:36 | 1
On-Prem Alibaba! wants! to! be! Yahoo! purple! prince! Would acquire a third of itself as part of the package 03 Oct 12:58 | 2
Security Crazy square barcodes can point your phone to MALWARE Help, help, I'm under attag 03 Oct 13:26 | 17
On-Prem Steelie Neelie calls for copper price cuts to drive fibre Dutch berated for doing net neut rules without asking 03 Oct 13:31 | 11
Networks Major BT exchange titsup in power outage Customers advised to turn it off then on again 03 Oct 13:53 | 50
Channel London gets first new Google Chromebookshop We offer only one thing: Total Googly dominance 03 Oct 13:56 | 11
Networks Google OUTBID on at auction Speculator mows Chocolate Factory's grass 03 Oct 14:27 | 18
On-Prem O2 best placed to scoop new iPhone sales dosh Still has fruit-stroker legion from old exclusive deal 03 Oct 15:03 | 13
Legal Yahoo! and! ABC! ink! news! pact! Online-first blobbening to create vast eyeball mountain 03 Oct 15:26 | 1
Channel Ellison: 'There'll be nothing left of IBM once I'm done' Promises a terrific licking for 'Mister Blue' 03 Oct 15:40 | 117
Security Would you sue to keep your guilty ABBA habit a secret? Pandora let world see our bathroom singalongs, say users 03 Oct 16:03 | 21
Personal Tech Amazon fans order three Fires for every E Ink Kindle First-day tablet orders estimated at 95k 03 Oct 16:09 | 17
On-Prem Verizon in court to block net neutrality ruling 'The feds aren't the boss of us' 03 Oct 17:02 | 8
Updated Better Business Bureau offers rogue script browser peril Oops! Scam warning service left eggfaced 03 Oct 17:58 | 2
On-Prem October 14 declared 'Steve Jobs Day' Rumors buzz over Jobsian bow at Tuesday's iPhone roll-out 03 Oct 18:01 | 67
Security Bank of America website disrupted for 4th day in a row Hacking and DoS ruled out as causes 03 Oct 18:03 | 12
JavaOne Oracle: Java 8 will be revolution, not evolution JavaFX 2.0 released, Java 9 detailed 03 Oct 18:20 | 17
OSes BridgeSTOR in rash NAS cash splash 35 per cent dedupe storage saving or your money back 03 Oct 19:00 | 2
Personal Tech 'iPhone 4 to be free' when new iPhones ship iPhone 4S and 5 to be dual-mode. Other changes leaked 03 Oct 19:18 | 58
MAX 2011 Adobe announces Creative Cloud, acquires PhoneGap HTML 5, but little Flash at Adobe's creative confab 03 Oct 19:56 | 6
OpenWorld Oracle rolls its own NoSQL and Hadoop A supremely confident Ellison mounts the Big Data elephant 03 Oct 20:22 | 7
Legal 22,000 'freetards' escape Hurt Locker piracy suit Voltage still hopes to zap hundreds more downloaders 03 Oct 21:30 | 32
On-Prem 'Boss from hell' knuckle-rapped for 'firing contests' Crossing the line between motivation and harassment 03 Oct 22:44 | 60