Science Gulf of California terrorized by ONE-EYED MUTANT SHARK! Boffins say ‘not a hoax’ 20 Oct 00:03 | 44
Security War boffin: Killer cyber attacks won't happen Die Hard 4 is just a movie, kids 20 Oct 07:31 | 44
Legal Are IP addresses personal data? ACS Law ruling raises some interesting questions 20 Oct 08:03 | 52
Legal Oracle vs Google court showdown delayed Java bust-up pushed aside by real crim trial 20 Oct 08:49 | 4
iOS App of the Week The Guardian iPad Edition First UK paper to hit iOS 5's Newsstand 20 Oct 09:00 | 23
Personal Tech Retailer intros cut-price 10in Android tablet Yours for £151 - for now... 20 Oct 09:13 | 17
Personal Tech 0.5mm2 ARM chip offers 5X energy efficiency, jacks up performance big.Little extends Moore's Law 20 Oct 09:15 | 26
Personal Tech Motorola to fit fitness freaks with work-out watch Break sweat with a strap-on 20 Oct 09:20 | 1
Personal Tech Jobs was 'working on future product day before he died' Life of Apple baron celebrated by staff in ceremony 20 Oct 09:35 | 63
Legal Euro fraud cops crush garlic tax evaders Whistleblowing site roots out fraudsters 20 Oct 09:48 | 23
OSes Microsoft's saucy compiler exposes privates to devs All and sundry welcome to slurp build process data 20 Oct 10:04 | 19
Bootnotes Tearful skin-beaters say good bye to the BumChum Low-end throb monitor now handled by BC Gigster 20 Oct 10:20 | 16
Channel WD: Thai floods will force hard drive prices up Shortages predicted, hundreds dead, fabs shutdown 20 Oct 10:39 | 14
On-Prem Yahoo! refuses! to! sell! as! buyers! flash! cash! What kinda cheap portal do you take us for? 20 Oct 10:49 | 5
Legal This just in: Brussels shatters CRT cartel Party like it's 1999 – we can afford glass monitors at last 20 Oct 11:15 | 62
Channel Acer UK sales slashed in HALF in Q3 One-time Taiwanese juggernaut in free fall 20 Oct 11:29 | 5
Bootnotes Crap alchemist jailed for poo-into-gold experiment From Dumbledore to prison door 20 Oct 11:46 | 89
OSes Nokia still in the red in Q3 sales bloodbath Windows mobes couldn't come soon enough 20 Oct 12:14 | 24
Channel Symantec blusters FileStore's new cluster thruster Clones as it dedupes and caches 20 Oct 12:29 |
Legal Spooks still prefer BlackBerrys for swapping secrets RIM mobes trusted with restricted info despite service meltdown 20 Oct 12:46 | 10
Software Android mobes sneak into enterprise pockets While the world was waiting for the iPhone 5 20 Oct 13:00 |
Channel Logicalis hires industry veteran as UK sales boss Chris Miller moves to integrator 20 Oct 13:14 |
LCC FCO rep: Best argument for net freedom is cold hard cash Economics is a language everyone speaks 20 Oct 14:29 |
Personal Tech Asus names Eee Slider release date Tablet-cum-netbook comes to Blighty 20 Oct 15:02 | 4
VMworld Europe VMware rejiggers acquired Shavlik tools for SMBs Go enhanced, NetChk becomes Protect Essentials Plus 20 Oct 15:09 |
Analysis Spamhaus and ISP spar over 'email DoS' blacklisting How the spam row erupted 20 Oct 15:31 | 16
Security Gaddafi death reports likely to spawn multiple scams 'Sirte pics' for dirty clicks 20 Oct 16:00 | 6
Software Devs still frozen out of Android ice cream source Code release by end of the year? 20 Oct 16:31 | 22
Legal Microsoft debuts Holodesk to fiddle with balls Redmond boldly going where others have gone before 20 Oct 18:12 |
Updated Bug in Flash Player allowed Mac webcam spying Adobe issues patch for 'clickjacking' hole 20 Oct 18:22 | 13
OSes Microsoft reports record revenue, lackluster Windows sales Business apps offering most returns 20 Oct 21:33 | 5
Databases Ellison munches unstructured data with Endeca buy A massive Oracle big data/ e-commerce/analytics mashup 20 Oct 21:47 | 1
SaaS Security keeps LA cops away from Google Apps Chocolate Factory or chocolate teapot? 20 Oct 22:30 | 7
Legal UK gov publishes IT action plan to back up previous IT plan 'From what to how'... Maude still plotting gov tech future 20 Oct 23:00 | 8
On-Prem Kiwi software developer makes Deloitte fast 500 Diligent takes tablets to the global boardroom 20 Oct 23:00 |