Science German boffins BREAK LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS! Kelvin joins Einstein in has-been corner? 26 Oct 00:05 | 32
On-Prem Amazon’s shares slashed as profits drop 73% Sales OK, but costs through the roof 26 Oct 00:06 | 24
Legal Obama man: 'Global internet surveillance skyrocketing' Think it's bad now? Just wait 26 Oct 00:33 | 29
Networks DVLA tosses Virgin Media £6.7m in 3-year phone deal Agency will use PSN-compliant network for call handling 26 Oct 07:29 | 9
Legal Facebook 'bug' temporarily disappears some links 'Spammy, unsafe' URLs mainly harboured by news outfits, it seems ... bitch 26 Oct 08:01 | 7
Personal Tech No BBM app for PlayBook soon, admits RIM BlackBerry tablet OS 2.0 delayed too 26 Oct 08:02 | 20
Networks UN wants two-thirds of the world online by 2015 Moon-on-a-stick request still pending 26 Oct 08:31 | 11
Legal Sunday Mirror must face Kylie's ex-lover in France privacy case ECJ: Internet publishers liable wherever material is accessible 26 Oct 09:01 | 11
Security Worm wriggles through year-old flaw, builds zombie-net 'More a business failure than a software security failure' 26 Oct 09:29 | 5
Software PowerPivot: a new spin on understanding your business Building relationships 26 Oct 10:08 | 5
Channel HP PC biz gets aggressive again Reseller rebates overhauled in SME and mid-market growth drive 26 Oct 10:20 |
Networks Google cuts ribbon on Berlin research institute after ponying up €4.5m It's not for Google, it's for EVERYONE 26 Oct 10:58 | 3
Channel Google report reveals YouTube takedown requests... by country UK wants jihadists off, Germany nixes Nazis, US wants to hide cop brutality 26 Oct 11:14 | 41
Networks ITU sees an internet full of developing youth Digital divide splits high-income and low-income countries 26 Oct 11:29 |
Nokia World Nokia's Brave New World is (almost) Finn-free Things are different around here, now... 26 Oct 11:46 | 65
Open ... And Shut Return of native: HTML5's enterprise battle Following the Facebook playbook 26 Oct 12:29 | 7
Updated Binned PCs were stuffed with MoD and Sun staffers' privates Resold without wiping Rebekah Wade's naughty bits 26 Oct 12:46 | 52
On-Prem Euro banks unhappy with proposed e-payment rules Tighter security and fewer fees would interfere with the 'business model' 26 Oct 13:01 | 33
Security Tsunami Trojan: First Mac attack based on Linux crack Slips in Mac OS X backdoor, phones home 26 Oct 13:19 | 49
Legal Job-seeking university bods panic over incriminating online info Don't turn into a pumpkin at the Halloween Ball 26 Oct 13:38 | 32
Channel Fujitsu foresees gloom, blames exchange rates Weak biz spending, yen and components 26 Oct 14:01 |
Channel Gelsinger pops lid on top-secret EMC Lightning code Flash cards reveal some parts of mysterious project 26 Oct 14:29 | 4
Channel PC shortages 'inevitable' says Gartner Flooding in Thailand set to rock supply chain 26 Oct 14:36 | 10
Nokia World A rapid first hands-on: Nokia’s Windows phones Our man gets a grip on Elop's mangoes 26 Oct 14:37 | 79
SaaS Cloudy tech start-up Twilio jumps the pond US telephony API firm targets Europe from new UK office 26 Oct 15:29 | 2
Channel Arrow Electronics sales and profits up in Q3 Distie behemoth claims share from rivals, plans expansion 26 Oct 16:33 |
On-Prem Apple plans big solar farm to clean dirty datacenter Project Dolphin – how green can you get? 26 Oct 20:40 | 29
Science Rosat dropped over the Bay of Bengal: DLR Unknown how much survived the burn 26 Oct 21:30 | 4
Security ‘Want to be more secure? Don’t be stupid’ redux SANS Institute violently agrees 26 Oct 22:30 | 33
Security Why the FBI’s 'new Internet' is a dumb idea Behaviour is the disease, insecurity is the symptom 26 Oct 23:30 | 18