Channel Super Micro revved up for impending Xeons, Opterons Old iron selling like hotcakes 27 Oct 00:13 |
SaaS Consumer Watchdog lambasts Los Angeles over Google Apps Unfortunately, the council meeting is next week 27 Oct 00:30 | 6
Networks RIM faces legal action following service outages Canucks quick to class action suit 27 Oct 01:02 | 13
Security Insulin pump hack delivers fatal dosage over the air Sugar Blues, James Bond style 27 Oct 06:23 | 90
Legal Cabinet Office on £2m digital talent hunt 28 new hires to get the civil service up to speed 27 Oct 07:30 | 16
Software Windows XP and iPod: A tale of two birthdays Unwanted versus unforgettable 27 Oct 08:01 | 89
On-Prem Credit card companies plan to sell your purchase data to advertisers Evil plot may end up buried in the T&Cs ... 27 Oct 08:30 | 81
Legal Samsung gets fast-track appeal on Tab injunction Aussie court gives firm expedited hearing on Apple's fondleslab ban 27 Oct 09:45 | 9
ITU Telecom World Telecom World tries to shake off its paper-pushing reputation UN still caught in Barcelona envy 27 Oct 10:04 |
SaaS Crypto boffins uncover rogue task risk on Amazon cloud AWS drops the SOAP, plugs backdoor quickly though 27 Oct 10:19 | 14
Personal Tech Nokia takes NFC phones to New York subway If it ain't American, it ain't happening 27 Oct 10:39 | 7
On-Prem Virgin Media touts high-speed signups and TiVO Squeezes nearly 2 extra quid a month from users in Q3 27 Oct 11:14 | 29
Software Mozilla delivers Binged-up Firefox browser Seeing the web through Microsoft's eyes 27 Oct 11:29 | 36
Channel Price-slashing fails to ignite PlayBook sales Channel says fondleslab fever bypassing RIM 27 Oct 11:39 | 30
Legal Google won't face Oracle in court until next year Judge proposes three-phase trial to deal with copyright and patent issues 27 Oct 11:50 | 4
On-Prem Groupon will replace 1 in 10 sales staff to ensure growth Repeat customers... Who needs 'em? 27 Oct 12:16 | 20
Software Google Maps API now costs $4 per 1,000 requests Devs will have to cough up 27 Oct 12:29 | 67
Science Earth escapes obliteration by comet Elenin breaks up into teeny bits and misses planet 27 Oct 12:44 | 85
On-Prem Google splurges $1.5bn on acquisitions in nine months Not including the $12.5bn it'll spunk on Motorola 27 Oct 13:01 |
Networks Privacy warning as cops lean on domain registrars Mind-boggling delays lead to hasty fixes in Dakar 27 Oct 13:29 | 13
Channel Crescent Electronics proposes CVA East Sussex e-tailer seeks distie support to ease cashflow woes 27 Oct 13:29 |
Security Cops find hackers' phone in NOTW office Handset was codenamed 'The Hub'... 27 Oct 14:29 | 52
Science Machine translation cracks 18th century occult cipher Secret society members were thrilled by ... eye surgery 27 Oct 15:01 | 41
ITU Telecom World Scrambling for spectrum: What to do when we run out Snatch it off the military or build more base stations? 27 Oct 15:29 | 4
Software Google indoor Streetview images go live Merchants waggle their tools at innocent Googlers 27 Oct 16:01 | 23
On-Prem Respect your BOFH or watch your small biz fail Study says hierarchical position of IT important for success of SMEs 27 Oct 16:29 | 11
Channel Europe is computer biz disaster zone, says Avnet Blames EMEA econ woes as numbers crash into wall 27 Oct 16:53 | 2
SaaS OpenLogic floats multi-language custom cloud service CloudSwing promiscuous with platforms 27 Oct 18:16 |
Personal Tech As iPhone 4S battery suckage spreads, fixes appear But not from Apple 27 Oct 19:42 | 116
Updated Apple sending sun-juiced iPads to rural Zimbabwe To replace unused or stolen computers 27 Oct 20:07 | 27
Security (At least) 4 web authentication authorities breached since June SSL security chain as good a broken 27 Oct 20:53 | 16
Science Boeing 787 Dreamliner makes first commercial flight Airliner makes much-delayed safe landing 27 Oct 20:55 | 44
Channel AMD beats analysts' bets with profitable quarter If only they had been able to bake more chips 27 Oct 20:56 | 8
Channel Datacom, Revera expanding NZ cloud Gummint contract spurs data centre builds 27 Oct 21:28 | 3
Open Compute Summit Friends join Facebook's Open Compute project What's not to like about open source hardware? 27 Oct 21:44 |
Security Fact check clears Czech in botnet case Redmond removes dotFREE from defendant list 27 Oct 22:30 | 1
Open Compute Summit Facebook triple stuffs Swedish data center It's boxy, but good – and very cold 27 Oct 23:26 | 10
On-Prem Urban legend nips iiNet 'subliminal' campaign Free TV punts 'two-frame freebie' ads 27 Oct 23:30 | 16
On-Prem AMD CEO vows 'maniacal' chip-baking fix Customer trust 'eroded', not 'irreversibly damaged' 27 Oct 23:57 | 13
Applications Google+ opens up to enterprises and apps Catching up to Facebook, feature by feature 27 Oct 23:58 | 18