Security Hackers port iPhone 4S' Siri to rival devices Apple's personal assistant cracked open 15 Nov 00:19 | 33
Legal US anti-hacking law turns computer users into criminals Former prosecutor calls for change to CFAA 15 Nov 02:17 | 32
Legal Converge or be damned – Lord Carter’s new world order Ex-Ofcom chief tells Oz how to do it 15 Nov 06:27 | 2
Personal Tech Happy 40th birthday, Intel 4004! The first of the bricks that built the IT world 15 Nov 08:00 | 67
Personal Tech Sony to boost image sensor capacity... again Japanese firm puts more chips in the smartphone and camera barrel 15 Nov 08:01 | 1
Opinion Facebook boss-lady is up the pole on the glass ceiling Stock options or seeing little faces light up? Easy 15 Nov 08:29 | 41
Personal Tech Skinny 15in MacBook Pro launch tied to Intel 'Ivy Bridge' Awaiting next-gen Ultrabook chippery 15 Nov 08:42 | 3
Legal Kent county council stages developer compo Wants complaints app, virtual bumwad-money scheme 15 Nov 09:01 | 7
Legal 'Right to be forgotten' may not be enforceable - Vaizey We don't yet have a Men in Black flashy thing 15 Nov 09:16 | 7
Networks Welsh factions clash over .cymru and .wales bids English cash required? Oh, cym on now 15 Nov 09:46 | 28
Science NASA working on nuclear rocket for manned Mars trips Should result in 'nauts receiving less radiation 15 Nov 10:02 | 47
Channel Sony, Hitachi, Toshiba merge, sell phone display businesses Newly formed Japan Display gets Panasonic factory too 15 Nov 10:03 | 1
Science LOHAN gets hands on mighty thruster Much fondling of stiff tubes down at El Reg 15 Nov 10:11 | 16
Open ... And Shut Ex-Amazon EC2 wizard pinpoints where your cloud is crap New tool to boost your app's performance 15 Nov 10:24 | 1
Security Beheaded man wasn't one of us, say anti-drug cartel bloggers Identity of slaughtered scapegoat remains unclear 15 Nov 10:31 | 5
Bootnotes Computers are so middle class – Mark E Smith Stop Mithering. And Tweeting 15 Nov 10:51 | 30
Part 1 My home is bugged ... with temp sensors to save me cash Monitoring benefits of insulation 15 Nov 11:00 | 51
Networks Salman Rushdie hissy-fit forces Facebook name U-turn Site run by 'morons', huffs Satanic Verses writer 15 Nov 11:12 | 52
On-Prem World Bank, Intel pump dosh into developing world's IT Kickstart for broadband and data centres 15 Nov 11:23 | 1
Security Phone hacking victims' QC hit by trojan infection Leveson Inquiry halted by malware probe 15 Nov 11:43 | 2
Networks Cuba accuses US of sneaky Wi-Fi imperialism America blocks, and yet pays for, Cuban surfing 15 Nov 11:52 | 7
Unsung Heroes of Tech Jim Westwood, home micro revolutionary We salute Sinclair's chief geek 15 Nov 12:00 | 27
Exclusive Naked vegans target Prince Harry over meaty 12-incher Activists offer royal chopper ace spicy veggie free night out 15 Nov 12:11 | 86
Software Google serves up Ice Cream Sandwich code Galaxy Nexus source available now 15 Nov 12:13 | 24
Bootnotes Britain's Harrier jump-jets reprieved to fly and fight again With the US Marines, though. They're not stupid 15 Nov 12:23 | 118
Networks Samsung demands a quickie in iPhone 4S Oz ban bid Permanent injunction hearing in March 15 Nov 12:32 | 10
Bootnotes Irish woman doesn't go down after scrotum ripping assault Man wishes to put extruded testicle incident behind him 15 Nov 12:53 | 19
Networks Google will ignore your Wi-Fi router ... if you rename it robots.txt for hotspots 15 Nov 13:02 | 111
Legal 'Leccy car plug map keeps greenies juiced up Never let your battery buggy run down again 15 Nov 13:22 | 10
SaaS Red Hat: Let OpenShift cloud compile your Java apps Compile code from a crap laptop at the beach bar 15 Nov 13:32 | 2
Legal Apple's cloud music service 'WIPES your iPHONE' Actually just threatens to, but is lying - reports 15 Nov 13:43 | 55
Legal New anonymity rule on Euro airport body scanners Nudie-watching staff kept away from passengers 15 Nov 13:52 | 29
Science A pint a day keeps the doctor away - scientific FACT Latest study shows beer as beneficial as wine 15 Nov 14:02 | 30
Bootnotes Harry Potter director takes on Doctor Who movie Tardis to spin into theatres, but who will be the Doctor? 15 Nov 14:14 | 108
Security Mystery malware poisons NZ ambulance system Dispatch staff forced to call medics' mobiles 15 Nov 14:38 | 9
Channel Rackspace: OpenStack beds Disney, NASA, Sony VMware not invited to cloud love shack 15 Nov 14:47 | 3
Channel C&W Worldwide boss out after 4 months Ailing carrier also files some nasty first half year numbers 15 Nov 15:01 | 3
Science Voyager 2 finally agrees to a long hard thrust Probe takes light-ages to return boffins' calls 15 Nov 15:16 | 47
Science LHC results may solve riddle of how universe can exist Antimatter bombshell set to explode physics applecart 15 Nov 15:28 | 35
Channel Engineer sues Huawei for axing him 'because he's a Brit' Chinese giant hauled before tribunal 15 Nov 15:42 | 18
Personal Tech 'Hands free' pissing contest games installed in boozer Bin the Wii, play with wee 15 Nov 15:51 | 18
On-Prem Visa to tell shops where their punters' wallets went next Spending habits data touted 15 Nov 16:02 | 29
Personal Tech Ultimate flight-sim crashes into living rooms for 36 grand Reach for the clouds 15 Nov 16:07 | 22
Bootnotes IKEA cuts ribbon on 'I've Got A Screw Loose Street' Facebook vote names new Spanish thoroughfare 15 Nov 16:44 | 21
Personal Tech Samsung's Bada outshipped WinPho 7 in Q3 Android ahead of all; Symbian ahead of Apple 15 Nov 16:47 | 12
Science US student to fill heavens with Sprites You too can have your own miniature satellite 15 Nov 17:03 | 6
SaaS Facebook filth flood – Fawkes Virus to blame? Objectionable tsunami surges up Walls 15 Nov 17:28 | 11
Networks AT&T LTE hits Vegas and five other slots Telco keeps next-gen mobe broadband promise 15 Nov 18:02 | 2
Legal Assange takes extradition fight to Supreme Court Supping in last-chance saloon 15 Nov 18:03 | 37
Personal Tech Angry Bird rockets into spa-a-a-a-ce! Soyuz orbital insertion confirmation office on duty 15 Nov 18:17 | 7
Science Enormous orbiting solar raygun power plants touted Trusty scientifiction staple gets another outing 15 Nov 18:58 | 83
SaaS 'Do Not Track' standard edges towards daylight First draft of spybuster deal released by W3C 15 Nov 19:27 | 13
Software OpenCL ratchets up to version 1.2 Open source heterogeneous standard adds new capabilities 15 Nov 19:51 | 3
Channel Ballmer shoots down Microsoft breakup advice Shareholders fractious over investment returns 15 Nov 19:59 | 33
SC11 Nvidia: An unintended exascale-super innovator CEO just wanted to play 3D video games 15 Nov 20:33 | 9
Security 'Devastating' protocol flaw could paralyze Bitcoin system Scientists propose 'Red Balloon' incentive solution 15 Nov 21:39 | 27
OSes Intel unveils $100m plan to juice AppUp Center devs Mucho mazuma for 'application developer-centric equity deals' 15 Nov 22:35 |
Legal Opposition to SOPA mounting as Google, Facebook link arms Tech giants and freedom fighters friend each other 15 Nov 23:00 | 9