Bootnotes Obama security in Oz lost booklet FAIL Procedures manual leaked to press via Canberra gutter 18 Nov 00:02 | 5
Personal Tech Microsoft and Samsung uncloak slimmer Surface Touchable tabletop maxi-tab goes second-gen 18 Nov 01:12 | 21
OSes World's first Win 8 malware 'bootkit' to debut next week 'Stoned Lite' too impaired to defeat UEFI 18 Nov 01:26 | 14
On-Prem Telstra creates new digital unit - tosses in fun stuff Poaches TVNZ CEO with $AU100m to spend on gear 18 Nov 04:56 |
Review Panasonic SC-BTT270 5.1 Blu-ray home theatre AV do-it-all for Lilliputian lounges 18 Nov 07:00 | 1
Channel Seagate's Luczo: 'Expect a year of misery' Soggy disk drives weigh on supply chain 18 Nov 07:29 | 3
Channel eBay opens real-world UK tat bazaar for Xmas greed peak Pop-up boutique shoppers will need smartphones to buy 18 Nov 08:31 | 1
Channel Microsoft names and shames pirate software traders Yarr, we plundered Redmond's galleon, admit Brit firms 18 Nov 09:16 | 11
On-Prem Attention swingbellies: Pizza sauce is a healthy vegetable Does that mean garlic bread is a herb? 18 Nov 09:31 | 38
Personal Tech Kids demand Apple kit for Chrimble Oi, Santa, where's my f***in iPad? 18 Nov 09:38 | 10
Security Android Market free-for-all blamed for malware avalanche Symbian VXers advance on the Droids 18 Nov 09:39 | 19
Channel Microsoft Dryad trampled in Hadoop stampede Redmond flees wild big-data crunching elephant 18 Nov 09:44 |
Accessory of the Week Henge Docks Docking Station Low-cost cable holder for your MacBook 18 Nov 10:00 | 9
Channel Northamber: PC stock mountain hurt us Q1 sales down nearly 30 per cent, operating losses confirmed 18 Nov 10:19 | 1
Personal Tech 3m iPad 3 'retina' screens sent to Apple by month's end LG, Samsung and Sharp punch out the panels 18 Nov 10:22 | 16
Legal Assange hires Pirate Bay lawyer The WikiLeaker-in-chief does know the TPB 4 lost the case, right? 18 Nov 10:29 | 8
Bootnotes Southampton hampton vice shocker: Exclusive snap Todger, ring, firemen, camera, lights, action... 18 Nov 10:39 | 10
Networks Nominet claws back cops' automatic .UK takedown power New plan: court order needed in some cases 18 Nov 10:51 | 5
Episode 19 BOFH: The day the office budget bombed – literally Explosive network kit Trojan 18 Nov 11:00 | 44
QuotW 'Morons! Zuckerberg, are you listening?' 'As to Mars – it is a planet that does not like Earthlings' 18 Nov 11:11 | 7
Open ... And Shut Silicon Valley web giants face 10-year tech exit Why Google, Facebook and Twitter are risky bets 18 Nov 11:21 | 2
Security UK cops: 'We thwarted Royal Wedding web attack plot' Kid cuffed in DDoS probe 18 Nov 11:25 | 12
Science Greener Arctic may be down to lemming poo, not climate Swarming sex-mad rodents fertilise grasses 18 Nov 11:26 | 17
Bootnotes Irish website promises you'll never miss a funeral again All the deaths you want, plus interactive mapping 18 Nov 11:35 | 11
Channel Dell disk drive prices soar as rivals hold firm BTO model and minimal inventory holding to blame, says analyst 18 Nov 11:44 | 9
Review Nikon 1 J1 interchangeable lens compact camera Late to the party and making a scene 18 Nov 12:00 | 13
Channel Microsoft investors' love for Ballmer wanes Chief chair chucker gets to stay, though 18 Nov 12:01 |
Reader Assistance Reg reader seeks living room Myth advice - can you help? Care from the community 18 Nov 12:07 | 37
Science Mysterious sat-pic China desert markings - EXPLAINED NASA expert enlightens puzzled Google Earth fans 18 Nov 12:09 | 81
On-Prem Samsung v iPhone 4S French entrenchment: 'TOTAL WAR' 'They won't leave us alone', sob Apple lawyers to judge 18 Nov 12:28 | 54
Bootnotes Ghanaian she-devil chews off bloke's 'nad sack Jeans no protection from sharp-toothed fury 18 Nov 12:39 | 14
Channel Update knackers hundreds of Zendesk helpdesks Fix blunder Twitter chunder 'great confusion' followed 18 Nov 12:43 | 2
On-Prem Free the people from office chains and commuting pain! Give the Transport minister an easy life. And buy our stuff! 18 Nov 12:51 | 13
Servers Shock result: UK's largest city best place to get IT job Tech employment site releases interactive map of IT sector salaries 18 Nov 13:11 | 19
Science Surprise Royal Society prize win by wave-watching author All kinds of waves from Mexican to seaside 18 Nov 13:21 | 1
Legal Brussels: Water cannot be sold as remedy for dehydration May not be essential to life, either 18 Nov 13:40 | 64
On-Prem IBM in the software era: Big Blue man gives HP a seminar From atop vast pile of cash 18 Nov 13:51 | 3
Channel Overland struggles to keep its head above water Praying for patent suit to inflate its dinghy 18 Nov 14:01 | 2
On-Prem Reg readers say: Having the right info is key to productivity Anyone here work in Financial Services? Help us out 18 Nov 14:08 | 2
Bootnotes Afghan elders refuse to be labelled pimps by number 39 Have no truck with concept of pimping their rides either 18 Nov 14:19 | 30
Science Busted Russian Mars probe could go to Moon instead Phobos-Grunt to become Lunok-Grunt instead? 18 Nov 14:22 | 16
Networks Mobile operators warned on 'unlimited' data gouging We meant the bill, not how many bytes you can have 18 Nov 14:29 | 30
Personal Tech Pakistan bans rude text messages 'Fondleslab' is offensive apparently 18 Nov 14:32 | 35
Storage Size doesn't matter to database thrusting Clustrix Easily pleased, quickly done 18 Nov 14:44 | 1
Legal Hypersonic missile successfully hits Ronald Reagan Mach 8 glider warhead covers 2,400 miles in 20-odd mins 18 Nov 15:10 | 18
SaaS Punctured Google+ leaks bored users Numbers falling like Page's teardrops in the rain 18 Nov 15:16 | 36
On-Prem HP welcomes activist investor onto board Better to have him inside the tent, pissing, um, everywhere 18 Nov 15:36 | 2
Channel Flash array start-up SolidFire begins the hard sell 'Virtualising performance'... with IOPS to spare 18 Nov 15:59 | 1
Science HELL ON EARTH: The Great Dying Volcanos almost wiped out life on Earth 250m years ago 18 Nov 16:04 | 18
Science DARPA boffins develop unfeasibly light metal fluff-structure Nano-nickel wonder stuff bar can rest atop a dandelion 18 Nov 16:13 | 37
SaaS Men busted 'for touting Facebook and Twitter shares' Groupon, Bloom Energy etc: These guys owned it all 18 Nov 16:17 | 1
Virtualization Microsoft's Hadoop-hugging SQL Server 2012 gets closer Just the barber in today's virty cloud world 18 Nov 16:26 | 7
NSFW Narcissistic, greedy: What Wikipedia says about its appeal Or rather what Reg readers have made the site say 18 Nov 16:38 | 11
Channel Some go gracefully in the Channel - and some go messily Some don't pick up revolver left tactfully on the desk 18 Nov 16:58 |
Science Moon goodness: Far side of Luna in full colour Rear of our rounded companion in all her glory 18 Nov 17:00 | 17
Exclusive Sparc M4 chips etched by Oracle, not Fujitsu Sunset for Sparc64 in SMP servers? 18 Nov 17:22 | 18
Channel Cryptocard gobbles tasty, dead number puzzle startup Cloud token option to fatten offerings 18 Nov 18:02 | 8
Channel Quest Software hangs toolmaker VKernel on its utility belt On a quest for virtualization domination 18 Nov 19:30 |
Legal Google's Brin and wife plop half-million into Wikipedia's hat It's pledge-drive time, and Sergey's feeling flush 18 Nov 20:25 | 6
On-Prem Motorola welcomes Google slurp with open arms 99 out of 100 shareholders choose Google 18 Nov 20:31 | 3
Security Second water utility reportedly hit by hack attack Proof-of-concept intrusion 18 Nov 21:26 | 28
Bootnotes Clooney fingered for Steve Jobs role in Hollywood biopic Former ER partners battle for sacred turtleneck 18 Nov 23:10 | 27