iPads seized from shelves by Chinese officials China's G-men prowl stores after Apple loses Proview case Channel13 Feb 2012 | 69
Ten... Valentine's Day gifts for him Product round-up Surprise, surprise! Personal Tech13 Feb 2012 | 33
Boffins claim breakthrough in hovering robothopter experiments Paper 'bugs' used subwoofer-powered wing flaps Science13 Feb 2012 | 19
Cheap Ultrabooks? Not before 2013 Laptop maker moles offer gloomy forecast Personal Tech13 Feb 2012 | 4
Cable thieves wreak havoc for cops, BT punters Biz customers in Hertfordshire hit by outage On-Prem13 Feb 2012 | 44
Fondle my slab, baby: Inside the tactile world of Apple-fan iDating 'There are more boys than girls, but it's not a problem' Bootnotes13 Feb 2012 | 75
Fondle my slab, baby: Inside the tactile world of Apple-fan iDating 'There are more boys than girls, but it's not a problem' Personal Tech13 Feb 2012 | 2
Sun hacks cuffed after being DOBBED IN by News Corp MoD staffer, a copper, armed forces member held too Legal13 Feb 2012 | 31
Apple TV stock shortage sparks new gadget rumour fever Rumoured supply cuts may signal a launch Legal13 Feb 2012 | 24
Google locks Wallets – no new customers for now Speed bump on the road to wireless payments Security13 Feb 2012 | 17
Microsoft India web store 'hacked by Chinese group' Evil Shadow Team pounces, claims it uncovered passwords Security13 Feb 2012 | 8
Megastar personalities are intellectual property in draft law Protecting the vacuous: Daft or ironic - you decide Legal13 Feb 2012 | 31
ESA's first Vega rocket blasts off without a hitch Europe's small-load launcher joins the big boys Science13 Feb 2012 | 25
Apple demands US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus Opens up new front in the patent wars On-Prem13 Feb 2012 | 111
NASA plans manned Deep Space Moon outpost Agency investigates way station for astronauts Science13 Feb 2012 | 44
Pakistan blocks 13,000 grumble flick sites Ban system pledged after 'obscene' smut complaints soar Legal13 Feb 2012 | 14
NexGen boss: If solid hardness isn't stuck into PCIe - forget it Disk-flash storage mix biz chief argues his corner Channel13 Feb 2012 | 3
Asus Transformer Prime tablet reboot fix fails to show It is coming, insists company Personal Tech13 Feb 2012 | 12
Anonymous reverse ferrets on CIA.gov takedown 'We blacked out website merely reported the outage' Security13 Feb 2012 | 8
HP boss Whitman urged to get touchy-feely with resellers As Michael Dell whispers sweet nothings to big biz Channel13 Feb 2012 | 1
TicketWeb coughs to email database hack Punters get phishy mails sniffing for credit card info Security13 Feb 2012 | 13
Windows 8 on ARM: Microsoft bets on Office 15 and IE10 WOA: hardware saviour to software challenges? Software13 Feb 2012 | 65
Apple's secret outsource: 'Even more software to be made in India' Is Cupertino getting internal software from Bangalore? Software13 Feb 2012 | 63
Kung-fu tweeting Carl Douglas wins El Reg prize - with expert timing Beardie computer scientist was fast as lightning Bootnotes13 Feb 2012 | 21
PlayBooks lapped up from RIM by distributors Update Q4 shipments up as discounts tweak interest Channel13 Feb 2012 | 3
FCC turns auction upside down for $300m rural 3G broadband Build it cheap, and they will come Legal13 Feb 2012 | 5
Apple orders PC builder to 'choose sides' in laptop battle? Build ASUS Zenbook or MacBook Air – not both Channel13 Feb 2012 | 103
Cisco resells Citrix, VMware virty desktop wares Could just buy Citrix or Red Hat outright Channel13 Feb 2012 | 1
European Parliament prez slams ACTA 'in current form' Politicians prevaricate as Europe protests Legal13 Feb 2012 | 14
Apple sends independent inspectors into Foxconn factories Fair Labor Association Channel13 Feb 2012 | 22
Iranians get some services back Censor’s dead hand still felt on Facebook, Twitter Security13 Feb 2012 | 6
Apple tops Google in 'Reputation Quotient' survey Tell Foxconn: Cupertino leads all US corps in 'Workplace Environment' On-Prem13 Feb 2012 | 23
Aus start-ups get in the Silicon Valley house Incubator for Aus entrepreneurs gets govt help On-Prem13 Feb 2012 |
Rackspace breaks billion buck barrier in 2011 Cloudy block storage, database, and firewall in the works SaaS13 Feb 2012 | 1
Broadcom boasts directional antennas for 802.11ac Wi-Fi Coverage focusing part of new chippery Networks13 Feb 2012 | 4