Legal Zuckerberg escapes scrutiny in Facebook ownership case Ceglia wins time for experts to examine his claims 06 Apr 00:07 | 10
Science NASA reviews nine astrophysics missions, loves 'em all Kepler, Swift, Fermi, Spitzer extended – 'There are no clunkers here' 06 Apr 00:48 | 2
Security China blames web for gun smuggling crims State tries to justify even greater online snooping 06 Apr 05:38 | 19
Channel APAC IT spend to grow THREE TIMES faster than rest of the world But report highlights digital divide in the region 06 Apr 07:00 | 1
Security Hacktivist 'Hardcore Charlie' claims China military hack Anonymous-affiliated hacker exposes alleged US army docs 06 Apr 09:00 | 16
OSes Windows 3.1 rebooted: Microsoft's DOS destroyer turns 20 Memory errors, files flung - how did Redmond win? 06 Apr 10:04 | 131
QuotW Facebook: 'Outrageous, wanton, reckless, callous, disgraceful, wilful' Plus: 'Aah! My Eyes!' (new Visual Studio) 06 Apr 10:30 | 18
Something for the Weekend, Sir? The iPad 3 would make me so horny... ...if it wasn't so sucky 06 Apr 11:00 | 120
Legal Sergey Brin creates spectacle with Project Glass prototypes Charity event snap shows lightweight design 06 Apr 17:43 | 11
Networks Apple flooded with iPad 3 wireless connection complaints Fractious fanbois fume at fondleslab FAIL 06 Apr 19:42 | 88
Networks AT&T to allow unlocking of out-of-contract iPhones Paid up? Then you're good to go on Easter Sunday 06 Apr 22:00 | 17