Legal Sussex bobbies get undisclosed tablets in networked-copper trials Fondleplods eager to get mitts on slabs 02 Jul 05:29 | 17
On-Prem Gah! EU data protection will STIFLE business, moans gov.UK Yargh, I'm wrapped up in actual red tape here 02 Jul 05:44 | 16
Networks Google.eggfaced: Chocolate Factory spaffs cash in dot-word bungle Subsidiary Oompa-Loompas failed to RTFM 02 Jul 06:59 | 20
Storage Overland Storage looses off fusillade of patent suits into tape crowds Cartridge cases everywhere - it's spray-and-pray day 02 Jul 07:18 |
OSes Microsoft: Don't overclock Windows 8 unless you like our new BSOD Redmond boffins burn up CPUs so you don't have to 02 Jul 07:39 | 124
Archaeologic The Grundy NewBrain is 30 The revolutionary product that came too late 02 Jul 08:00 | 34
SaaS Google Drives its pot-o-cloud onto the iPhone, tangles with Dropbox Never mind the quality, sort out the width 02 Jul 08:15 |
Future of Wireless One day soon, maybe: Mobile health apps that are actually useful 'You are medically dead. Inform contact?' 02 Jul 08:29 | 2
Security Naked Scarlett Johansson pic snatch 'is worth 6 years' porridge' Prosecutors want crackdown on saucy sleb webmail plunder 02 Jul 08:44 | 50
Channel Ingram Micro crams BrightPoint down gullet for $840m Broadline bigboy wolfs wireless widgetry wares 02 Jul 09:03 |
On-Prem Bluetooth gizmo lets you take card payments via smartphone Square-a-like swipe or type offering for cashless Blighty 02 Jul 09:14 | 10
Software Apple makes Cocoa with Porridge Mac OS X dev data pays homage to infamous jailbird 02 Jul 09:20 | 9
Legal Squabbling EU heads force Council to split patent court in 3 Pouting politicians dig their heels in on unified system 02 Jul 09:29 | 14
Vid Trio of 'nauts plonk down after six-month space station stint That's enough recycled urine for anyone 02 Jul 09:41 | 5
Software Microsoft silently kills silent, automatic Skype install via Updates Skype me! What? I think you'll find you do have it 02 Jul 09:58 | 50
Legal Apple lobs pocket change to Proview, ending Chinese IPAD name row $60m? Hardly worth opening our wallet to get it out 02 Jul 10:16 | 33
Personal Tech Sony grabs cloud-gaming group Gaikai New stream of PlayStation business? 02 Jul 10:29 | 12
Bootnotes Sozzled Americans nagged by talking urinal cake 'Don't drink and drive, and please wash your hands' 02 Jul 10:30 | 46
Storage Microsoft gets its hypervisor war face on, squares up to VMware File tanks rumble out of Redmond, headed for NFS lawn 02 Jul 10:44 | 14
Channel Plans for special police-run ICT firm to firm up this month Plods to use pork truncheon to beat savings out of market 02 Jul 11:00 | 7
Legal Samsung asks for US Galaxy Nexus ban to be lifted pending appeal Korean blower 'will damage us IRREPARABLY' snivels Apple 02 Jul 11:42 | 92
Channel Avnet gobbles Magirus, aiming to deliver swollen offerings Frenzied engorgement among the disties today 02 Jul 11:44 |
Storage Overland patent broadside: Targeted firms vow to fight Let's get ready to grumble 02 Jul 11:58 | 4
Networks LinkedIn inked out: Twitter cuts off jabberhose to suits Yoink! #SoLongSuckers 02 Jul 12:32 | 19
Storage Micron's Elpida buy is GO for $2.5bn - and then there were three Any DRAM you like. Provided you like Samsung, Hynix or Micron 02 Jul 13:02 |
SaaS Users enraged by Cisco's cloudy 'upgrade' to Linksys routers Demand right to furtle own boxes in privacy 02 Jul 13:12 | 17
Personal Tech YouView recommends radio hams' pet peeve IPTV outfit's set-top box to prompt powerline usage surge? 02 Jul 13:24 | 73
OSes Leap second bug cripples Linux servers at airlines, Reddit, LinkedIn Not a good time to be Australian 02 Jul 13:34 | 64
Buyer's Guide Buy Smarter: what you need to know about... optical disc drives Laser sharp storage 02 Jul 14:41 |
Channel Misery ending? UK reseller insolvencies may have bottomed out Dead firms were soft and weak, only the hard survive 02 Jul 14:49 | 4
Analysis proposes massive copyright land snatch Your lunch? I sold it for 2p. Hey, here's your ½p 02 Jul 15:05 | 125
Security Baltic cyber bank burglars cop hefty porridge spell London bust means hard time for plunderers 02 Jul 15:53 | 1
Channel Microsoft runs price-hike Lite promo for Open Value licenses Here, rub this cream in, it'll hurt less 02 Jul 15:56 | 3
Networks Google nixes extra wireless attachments to its new Kansas fibres That pipe isn't fat enough to interest us 02 Jul 17:00 | 10
Security Facebook phone app attempts to seize ALL YOUR MAIL Gonna slurp you good... bitch 02 Jul 17:32 | 132
Legal Google makes 'proposal' to Europe on antitrust concerns Brussels examining missive from Eric Schmidt 02 Jul 18:23 | 12
Personal Tech More revelers amp up hybrid memory cube party ARM, HP (and more) join Micron, Samsung, Microsoft (and more) 02 Jul 18:38 | 4
On-Prem Apple faces Italian shutdown over warranty skulduggery No dolce vita for Cupertino 02 Jul 20:19 | 103
Software Web stat WTF: iOS beats Android 3 to 1, iOS and Android tied Welcome to Schrödinger's web analytics 02 Jul 20:28 | 42
Science Fermilab scientists give their data one last squeeze Tevatron tantalizes ahead of CERN’s big day 02 Jul 23:00 | 1
Software Mozilla's 'Boot to Gecko' morphs into Firefox OS Debut of new mobile OS: Brazil 2013 02 Jul 23:07 | 21