OSes Adobe switches Flash fix schedule to Patch Tuesdays Takes security marching orders from Redmond 08 Nov 2012 | 2
Security Android adware capability a vulnerability, claim boffins Ad push code can spoof SMSs 08 Nov 2012 | 10
Personal Tech Orc Assassin Rogue wins Senate seat WoW-playing candidate triumphs over campaign criticising “bizarre double life” 08 Nov 2012 | 21
Security Singaporeans get hard token baked into credit card What happens when you sit on it? 08 Nov 2012 | 19
On-Prem Verizon stakes claim as global cloud mobiliser Asian push fuels ambitions for global services with all the buzzwords that matter 08 Nov 2012 |
Networks Twitter survives election after Ruby-to-Java move Peak traffic of 874,560 Tweets per minute without Fail Whale coming up for air 08 Nov 2012 | 73
Legal Apple is Superman's digital Kryptonite DC Comics' finest come to top e-bookstores, with villainous restrictions 08 Nov 2012 | 12
Personal Tech Japan Display cranks up ultra low power colour LCD panels No backlight means power draw of just 3mW 08 Nov 2012 | 9
Legal BBC in secret trial to see if you care about thing you plainly don't What broadcast tech won't be missed? No, not DAB 08 Nov 2012 | 128
Personal Tech Edible iPhone case goes on sale in Japan Rice cracker case suggested as survivalist snack 08 Nov 2012 | 17
Analysis Psst: Heard the one about the National Pupil Database? Thought not Minister hopes to 'maximise the value' of kiddie data 'resource' 08 Nov 2012 | 53
Storage EMC offers biz barons tools to manipulate their digital assets Bring down the rain by furtling that cloud 08 Nov 2012 |
Legal ALIEN DETECTION was SUPPRESSED by the BBC - top boffin What if they start swearing? What about health & safety? 08 Nov 2012 | 81
HPC Cray scales to over 100 petaflops with 'Cascade' XC30 behemoth Aries interconnect, Dragonfly topology crush Gemini toruses 08 Nov 2012 | 8
Networks Wave of the Future? Smartphone NFC used to buy stuff ONLINE Like pay-bonking but across great distances 08 Nov 2012 | 5
Legal London council £1bn outsourcing plan survives vote One Barnet under God, indivisible, with IT for all 08 Nov 2012 | 19
Channel Microsoft offers cut-price Win 8 PCs and fondletops to UK schools Someone is thinking of the children 08 Nov 2012 | 26
Security Skype accused of ratting out user to private security without warrant VoIP P2P biz probes route its data took to Dutch fuzz 08 Nov 2012 | 12
Security App designed for safe sending of naughty selfies is rife with risks Teenager subtitles: App makes selfies safe BLAH BLAH BLAH 08 Nov 2012 | 48
Exclusive Gaping hole in Google service exposes thousands to ID theft Vast number of car insurance hunters at risk by flaw 08 Nov 2012 | 29
Networks Desperate broadband minister in Brussels cash splash dash Miller to wrangle with Eurocrats over BDUK competition 08 Nov 2012 | 4
Stob Special Stob on Quatermass: Was this British TV's finest sci-fi hour? Let's shake the dead fly out of the DVD 08 Nov 2012 | 59
Science Sellafield's nuclear waste measured in El Reg units How many Swatches per Jub is intermediate level, again? 08 Nov 2012 | 52
Personal Tech Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8 handset review Microsoft's mobile OS refresh – is it more of the same? 08 Nov 2012 | 132
Channel Box shifters cram UK market with crusty PCs to make room for Win 8 'Cripes, boss, what about this old stuff?' 'FLOG IT!' 08 Nov 2012 | 19
Personal Tech Apple kicked out of China smartphone top 5 by, er, Yulong and pals Yu-who? no, we hadn't heard of them either 08 Nov 2012 | 17
Legal Medical scan record that the NHS says will cost £2k to retrieve: Detail DSR-TIFF file, unique software, MOD drive no longer made 08 Nov 2012 | 118
Legal Revealed! Prime Minister's iPad 'dashboard' for controlling Britain No shark-tank-dump button for ministers :( 08 Nov 2012 | 26
Personal Tech Smartphone biz shocker: Nokia sells fewer devices than Lenovo And Sony outshipped HTC and RIM 08 Nov 2012 | 23
Channel Lenovo insists it is NOT world's largest PC maker 'It is totally our dream to be though,' says CEO 08 Nov 2012 | 1
Science Habitable HEAVY GRAVITY WORLD found just 42 light-years away EE 'Doc' Smith's Valeria, or Larry Niven's Jinx perhaps 08 Nov 2012 | 96
Security Adobe Reader 0-day exploit surfaces on underground bazaars Malformed pdf horrors prowl the internet sewers 08 Nov 2012 | 10
Security RIM good for secret jobs: BlackBerry 10 cleared for Restricted data No backdoor action here, feds reckon 08 Nov 2012 | 20
Security Scotland Yard arrests female computer hacking suspect Plods continue Op Tuleta against Fleet Street trickery 08 Nov 2012 | 22
Security Bradley Manning submits partially-guilty plea in WikiLeaks case Says he did things, doesn't admit to specific crimes 08 Nov 2012 | 55
Legal Patent troll sues just about the whole tech biz over 4 years Lots and lots of billygoats you know went over its bridge 08 Nov 2012 | 27
Storage Diablo trousers $28m to create a flash-in-the-DRAM technology Mix me a storage cocktail, barkeep - but hold the fab 08 Nov 2012 |
Science Obama win may mean NASA 'nauts to Deep Space as soon as 2021 Earth-Moon L2 jaunt would see them beyond lunar farside 08 Nov 2012 | 53
Pic Prime Minister on Twitter: Me and Obama, we're like THAT You mind if I call you Barack? Oh, OK. Sorry 08 Nov 2012 | 29
Legal Apple is granted a patent on the rectangle. No, really Hey, you can still make one if it has sharp corners 08 Nov 2012 | 144
Update Twitter: WHOOPS we've broken ourselves. Sorr-ee! Twit accidentally pressed wrong button 08 Nov 2012 | 10
Updated iPhone maker Foxconn hatching US factory expansion plan? US plants won't build Apple kit – that's too complex for Americans 08 Nov 2012 | 13
Storage Storage upstart Huawei snatches NFS filer crown From the NFS filer crown jewels in the Tower 08 Nov 2012 | 6
Legal Egypt takes hard line on internet pr0n, calls for total ban EFF warns of more censorship to come 08 Nov 2012 | 36
Vid Crafty app lets phones send data by ultrasound with speakers, mics Could be used as pay-by-screech. Or to annoy kids 08 Nov 2012 | 25
Legal Australia backs down from Internet filter plan Only the vilest smut from Interpol's lists to be blocked 08 Nov 2012 | 14
Systems Intel to slip future Xeon E7s, Itaniums into common socket Chipzilla debuts Poulson, plots convergence for Kittson 08 Nov 2012 | 9
Updated HP warns consumers: Don't downgrade Win8 PCs to Win7 'You won't get any help from us' 08 Nov 2012 | 70
Legal Apple removes apology-hiding JavaScript from UK website Non-apologetic link to non-apologetic apology now visible – on large displays 08 Nov 2012 | 69
Software Microsoft demos real-time English to Chinese translation Digital babel fish comes closer 08 Nov 2012 | 21