Legal Fans splurge $220m on Halo 4 in first 24 hours Master Chief and his Halo franchise have captured $3.38bn total 13 Nov 00:44 | 5
On-Prem Apple retail stores most productive in US – by far Double the revenue per square foot than second-place Tiffany & Co. 13 Nov 01:33 | 24
OSes Windows boss Steve Sinofsky exits Microsoft Dual execs named to lead Redmond's OS, hardware efforts 13 Nov 02:52 | 68
Security Steelie Neelie admits laptop hack during IGF EU officials' MacBooks hacked in Azerbaijani hotel 13 Nov 04:42 | 10
On-Prem China's robot population to lead world by 2014 Worker's paradise to become nirvana for automata 13 Nov 04:52 | 10
On-Prem VMware wants to play 'Server Tetris' in your data centre Line up the workloads just right and the costs disappear 13 Nov 05:54 | 4
On-Prem Your job's going to Asia, in a good way Gartner says Asian growth means local firms will need to hire Westerners soon 13 Nov 06:21 | 4
Personal Tech Plastic screen outfit teams with Epson to offer screen on your plastic Will a credit card that shows your balance be popular? 13 Nov 06:28 | 27
Personal Tech EU approves push to get the unknown security in ARM chips into use Chipmaker must promise to let others join the TEE party 13 Nov 07:01 | 17
Security Devs cook up 'leakproof' all-Tor untrackable platform Whonix? You'll never find out, The Man 13 Nov 07:28 | 11
Personal Tech Apple MacBook Pro 13in Retina display review Exorbitant eye candy, anyone? 13 Nov 08:00 | 101
Security Even a CHILD can make a Trojan to pillage Windows Phone 8 Whippersnapper will reveal all in the Malcon tent 13 Nov 09:01 | 37
Open ... and Shut Memo to Groupon: Best cheapo deals have a premium tag The end of coupon bazaar's deal-fetishing gravy train 13 Nov 09:20 | 16
On-Prem Peak Apple: Forstall was 'closest thing to Jobs they had left' Sweary, 'asshole' - to return from wilderness with beard? 13 Nov 09:38 | 25
Exclusive Fujitsu: We could run Office on any device if Microsoft lets us iOS Office is more about licencing than tech 13 Nov 10:01 | 9
Personal Tech iFixit CEO launches open Toshiba service guide scheme If you use lawyers to hide your manuals, we'll write our own 13 Nov 10:08 | 18
Networks Sky rudely barges TalkTalk off the top-three UK ISP podium Bosses talk the talk, but customers walk the walk 13 Nov 10:19 | 17
Legal Finns look to bring Phorm style stalker ads to UK radio streaming Hey, your mobile kit is probably tracking you already 13 Nov 10:37 | 16
Science LOHAN to slip in sexy little black number Two is one, one is none for rocketgasm success 13 Nov 11:07 | 19
Legal Google, Amazon, Starbucks are 'immoral' and 'ridiculous' over UK tax 'We don't make any money here' insists milkbar bigwig 13 Nov 11:21 | 168
Networks Brits swallow Google Nexus 4 supply 'in 30 minutes' World+Dog eats smarties for breakfast 13 Nov 11:26 | 122
Vidstreams SUN to GO OUT COMPLETELY: Here's how to watch online Join the Dark Dawn Down Under party 13 Nov 11:45 | 23
Networks Virgin Media vid misery blamed on unnamed peering network 'It was not me, it was the one armed man', pleads VM 13 Nov 12:19 | 38
On-Prem Mobo monster Vodafone takes £6bn kick down south Spaniards, Italians just not as talkative these days 13 Nov 12:37 | 6
Legal Even £9.8m on consultants can't get network push underway Brussels beurocrats block BT BDUK broadband boost 13 Nov 12:57 | 18
Personal Tech Industry in 'denial' as demand for pricey PCs plunges Today's low-cost computers are yesterday's high-enders, so why pay more? 13 Nov 13:13 | 92
Legal SECRET 28 'scientific experts' who Greened the BBC - Revealed! Beeb spent a mint to suppress list on Wayback Machine (includes Greenpeacers) 13 Nov 13:25 | 193
Science BOSS Bang boffins: DARK ENERGY spreading across the Universe Mystery stuff is now 73 per cent of EVERYTHING 13 Nov 13:36 | 72
Personal Tech Apple forced to cut dealers in to get iPad Mini shifting, says analyst Peak Apple: An unwelcome first for tightfisted Cupertino 13 Nov 14:02 | 22
Legal Top prosecutor warns troll-hunting cops not to choke courts If you cuff every tw*t we'll be snowed under 13 Nov 14:24 | 50
On-Prem Sinofsky OFFSKI: Is Windows 9 now codenamed 'Defenestrate'? 'Inconceivable' - May not mean what you think it means 13 Nov 14:54 | 94
On-Prem HTC share zoom prior to Apple peace pact under investigation You guys better have a crystal ball on you 13 Nov 15:22 | 14
Bootnotes Omnishambles beats off mummy-porn, becomes English word of 2012 Thick Of It whips Fifty Shades of Grey 13 Nov 15:57 | 43
Security Petraeus sex'n'menaces webmail trail leads to NATO A'stan general Spook, soldier, G-man embroiled with adulterous duo 13 Nov 16:37 | 15
Comment Metro's mother to replace defenestrated Windows boss Sinofsky Larson-Green also invented Office Ribbon. Just sayin' 13 Nov 16:44 | 44
Legal Microsoft v Google judge could shape the world in new patent punchup Redmond: Damn Oompa Loompas are eating all the chocolate 13 Nov 16:55 | 33
Virtualization Big Switch uncloaks, fires virty network wares at VMware/Nicira 'Our OpenFlow is more open than your OpenFlow' 13 Nov 16:59 |
Channel German dealer Bechtle planning Euro blitz 'We're taking market share' says CEO with slippery bottom 13 Nov 17:02 |
Legal ID providers signed for Blighty's One Dole To Rule Them All plan Money for all! Starting with contractors, 'course 13 Nov 17:12 | 15
Security Trend Micro squishes 'stuck in a loop' SafeSync bug Safesunk more like, grumbles user 13 Nov 18:01 | 1
Software Apple granted patent for ebook page-turning Intellectual property protection run amuck? 13 Nov 18:32 | 90
Legal McAfee founder claims police framing him for murder Security boss boxes clever escape 13 Nov 18:38 | 25
Analysis Post-defenestration Microsoft: It's the APIs, stupid. And Metro Sinofsky, Microsoft's Caligula 13 Nov 18:49 | 79
Security Lockheed to cyber-armour its supply chain against 'the Adversary' Death-tech goliath faces tougher enemies than most 13 Nov 19:05 | 5
Blocks and Files Compute-storage mashup: Great for Big Data, but what of my mobile? Latency HELL as 'tops and 'slabs probe cloud 13 Nov 19:27 | 2
Security Windows 8 security is like a swiss cheese flak jacket - sez AV firm Even so, mouldy old malware apparently worked in tests 13 Nov 19:56 | 34
Legal 35 US states petition for secession – on White House website 'We the People' becomes one government service the right approves of 13 Nov 20:09 | 114
Legal IRS may be able to count beans, but it can't count its own PCs Treasury crawls up taxmen's ass with microscope 13 Nov 21:07 | 8
SaaS Australia and NZ fall behind in cloud race Call for more international capacity chimes 13 Nov 21:37 |
Software Nokia woos disgruntled iOS users with rebranded maps service Mappy times are HERE to stay 13 Nov 21:38 | 24
Updated AMD said to hire JPMorgan Chase to explore its options TP Morgan will chase them for free 13 Nov 21:46 | 7
Networks Google starts rolling out Android 4.2 to select devices But if it's not a Nexus, you're out of luck 13 Nov 22:28 | 41
Servers IBM plunks Power7+ processors into Flex System servers Adds integrated Storwize storage, upgrades Flex control freak 13 Nov 23:21 | 4
Science Next big thing for hard drives: self-assembling polymers Busting out of the density crunch 13 Nov 23:46 | 5