On-Prem Facebook beats the heat in North Carolina data center It's not the heat or the humidity 15 Nov 00:41 | 6
Devops Apple bans 'memory' games from iOS App Store Cupertino surrenders to German trademark claim 15 Nov 00:45 | 47
Legal Obama signs off on secret national cybersecurity plan Meanwhile, Congress sits on its hands 15 Nov 01:05 | 14
Science Google Chrome app offers guided tour of known universe HTML from the hearts of space 15 Nov 01:56 | 15
Bootnotes Word wonks insist GIFs are really JIFs You’re pronouncing the word of the year wrong, say Oxford lexicographers 15 Nov 02:41 | 172
Databases Sydney Uni boffin wants database to track smokers Swipe a smartcard when you buy a pack so Feds can email and tell you to quit 15 Nov 04:56 | 38
Legal Apple staff call Taiwanese filmmaker an 'idiot' 450-mile Hong Kong trip to explain piracy claim doesn't quite go to plan 15 Nov 05:05 | 21
Security Is that a truncheon in your trousers, officer, or ... an antenna, you say? Scottish upstart to help track cops using Galileo 15 Nov 06:01 | 18
On-Prem Equinix's new Sydney bit barn built to survive TOXIC FLOOD It's just 90 metres from Australia's most polluted waterway, but design rises above the problem 15 Nov 06:18 | 6
On-Prem Sharp set for 30 BILLION YEN cash injection Reports say Intel and Qualcomm could help prop up ailing firm 15 Nov 06:22 | 5
Storage Quantum squirts object storage filler into Big Data-hungry crevice LATTUS pray for fulfilment 15 Nov 06:34 | 1
Security So you broke our encrypted files? Ha! They were DOUBLY encrypted Even if they steal the cloud, they can't get the rain out 15 Nov 06:56 | 37
Legal China's Danger Maps highlight health hazards Dirt the party doesn't like to talk about exposed by mashup 15 Nov 07:32 | 7
StorageBod Blog Software sucks these days - and just maybe it's all YOUR fault Say NO to beta-grade stuff 15 Nov 07:35 | 63
Personal Tech ViewSonic VSD220 22in Android mega tablet The display with ideas above its workstation 15 Nov 08:00 | 54
Legal Automatic Facebook couple pages: Nauseating sign of desperation Ad firm frantically churns the content you gave it 15 Nov 08:27 | 167
Security 'I'm a PIRATE' confessions spew from OED iPhone dictionary Cross developers puppet innocent along with buccaneers 15 Nov 08:55 | 45
Storage Isilon feels need for speed, unleashes swarm of 'Mavericks' You know what your problem is, Maverick? Huh? 15 Nov 09:22 | 1
Legal Google stealthily coalesces UK music cloud into being Maybe it's on my phone already? Do I care? Probably not 15 Nov 09:38 | 102
Exclusive Sophos to axe 35 developer posts, shifts gaze to mobile, networks Everything's secure here, except jobs 15 Nov 09:56 | 14
Security Adobe shuts down Connect user forum, confirms passwords raided Connect itself untouched - unless you used the same login 15 Nov 10:18 | 6
SaaS Hold it! Don't back up to a cloud until you've eyed up these figures Trevor Pott drills into the real price of online storage 15 Nov 11:03 | 49
Archaeologic UK digital terrestrial TV turns 14 today Freeview may be ten years old, but there's a gawky teenager peering over its shoulder 15 Nov 11:14 | 54
Personal Tech Toshiba readies feature-pruned, profit-boosting Jelly Bean tablet Lesser spec, unchanged price for AT300 Special Edition 15 Nov 11:18 | 4
Storage NetApp bags CacheIQ for secret cash sum Blip over for storage firm as all that ONTAP R&D finally pays off 15 Nov 11:26 |
Analysis New Microsoft Windows chief 'shocked' by Sinofsky defenestration Microsofties tear new boss to Ribbons 15 Nov 11:34 | 67
Software Android-loving suits boot BlackBerrys into 3rd place in the office BYOD = Bill Your Own Director as comms costs soar 15 Nov 11:54 | 13
Personal Tech Humax HDR-1000S Freesat+ recorder with FreeTime TV from space, time travel by broadband 15 Nov 12:00 | 36
Legal Lord to sue Twitter users who falsely accused him of abuse 'We have the technology to know who you are' 15 Nov 12:17 | 27
Bootnotes Fart-buster underpants selling well among Japanese salarymen Flatulent businessmen warm to trouser-cough suppression 15 Nov 12:27 | 67
On-Prem Facebook stock plunge halts - despite insiders being freed to sell Nobody cashing out just yet at free-content ads giant 15 Nov 12:44 | 10
Personal Tech Pollster predicts mega UK smart TV sales Forecast flies in the face of sales evidence - just ask Comet 15 Nov 12:52 | 36
Security 'Spend police USB stick data loss mega-fine on IT lessons for cops' Tough on data leaks, tough on the causes of data leaks 15 Nov 13:15 | 20
Legal Fujitsu: We're not blacklisted by gov, but we want private work Grey men of Whitehall confirm there's no black list 15 Nov 13:42 | 4
Science Russia restores comms with space station after roadworks cut cable Can you hear me Major Tim?* 15 Nov 14:12 | 14
Security Nazi Enigma encoding machine sells in London for over £80k You could have got a better price there when it was new 15 Nov 14:38 | 24
Vid World's LEGGIEST BLONDE is super-rare millipede living in SF Off shoe shopping, see you in another 77 years 15 Nov 15:07 | 22
Channel Comet train set for SMASH, staff can only hope to be in right carriage Inability to fill Santa's sack may mean sackings 15 Nov 15:09 | 15
Networks Vodafone will rent you an iPhone 5 for 69p* a day *On top of the cost of the Sim, natch 15 Nov 15:36 | 13
SC12 Chinese baby war-boffins bust 3Tflops, snatch student LINPACK crown Aw jeez, the zero button on my calculator's broken 15 Nov 15:36 | 3
Security Belize PM: McAfee boss is 'bonkers', should 'man up and talk to cops' Cybersecurity pioneer 'paranoid' over murder probe, says prime minister 15 Nov 16:00 | 23
Personal Tech HP PC chief: Microsoft's Surface is 'KLUDGEY'. There, I said it Man says not entirely surprising thing for him to say 15 Nov 16:29 | 40
Security Opera site served Blackhole malvertising, says antivirus firm 'No need to issue a press release', firm tells press 15 Nov 16:53 | 14
Networks Phone users favour Wi-Fi for dataslurp Only 22 per cent of info sucked into phones over cellular 15 Nov 16:59 | 9
Servers HP forges hyperscale ProLiants aimed at big data Reworked iron for Hadoop – and OpenStack, Exchange and Vertica, too 15 Nov 17:26 | 2
Legal Lawyer sues Microsoft rather than slot an SD card into his Surface This thing isn't made by Apple, you know 15 Nov 17:31 | 190
Security NASA 'nauts personal DATA at risk after laptop SNATCH BUNGLE Total ban on non-encrypted disks outside the wire 15 Nov 18:14 | 11
Legal Forklift fondleslab 'fellas flee with vast haul of iPad Minis at JFK Perhaps now in Vegas tucking them into dancers' G-strings 15 Nov 19:39 | 20
Devops Google to devs: Fragmenting Android is AGAINST THE RULES That's one way to nip it in the bud 15 Nov 21:08 | 56
On-Prem Sinofsky denies failed putsch led to his defenestration My tanks were nowhere near that lawn, says Windows man 15 Nov 21:08 | 17
Science Curiosity clears Mars radiation levels for fleeting human visits Trying to avoid a vomit-in-spacesuit situation 15 Nov 21:54 | 18
Networks Broken Hill to sprout more satellite dishes NBN Co to land up the road from IPStar 15 Nov 22:00 |
Legal US petitions Obama for better policing of its mega-cities Stricter, motorcycle-based judiciary proposed 15 Nov 23:03 | 29
On-Prem Notebook price war slams Dell's revenues, slashes profits Servers and networking can't fill in the gaps 15 Nov 23:53 | 6