On-Prem Oprah Winfrey tweets her love of Surface – from her iPad Microsoft's fondleslab not her most favorite 20 Nov 00:12 | 23
SaaS Platform clouds generating more noise than cash All the action is in SaaS and IaaS – and advertising 20 Nov 00:26 | 1
On-Prem Restaurateur jailed for customer sex profile revenge plan How not to react to a bad online review 20 Nov 00:43 | 51
Science EINSTEIN'S BRAIN had unusual lobes and cortex Newly-uncovered photos also reveal 'large knob' in frontal lobe 20 Nov 00:49 | 17
Science NASA suggests robotic return to the Moon Astronauts could control rover from Lagrange 2 point 20 Nov 02:19 | 22
On-Prem Patent trolling to go under anti-trust spotlight Report says hearings set for December, with Nokia and Cisco to appear 20 Nov 03:31 | 29
Legal Sarcastic tweeter jailed for mocking Communist Party Petition launched to fight terror charge against still-missing Zhai Xiaobing 20 Nov 04:12 | 13
Software British Ruby conference cancelled after diversity row It started with a tweet about white males in tech 20 Nov 05:06 | 82
Legal NSW Information Commissioner sends email to wrong list Do as I say, not do as I do 20 Nov 05:27 | 16
On-Prem Chinese cloud firm offers 'love bonus' to amorous staff Chengdu-based start-up in pay-to-pair-up scheme 20 Nov 05:39 | 8
Bootnotes London gets huge Defecator Enthroned statue for World Toilet Week Your face can be on it, if you GiveAShit. Excrement! 20 Nov 05:57 | 39
Storage Dell storage still staggering a year after EMC break-up Biz failing to gobble own-brand dogfood 20 Nov 06:33 | 5
Security Cloudy admin? Here's how to ward off Call of Duty-playing teens Cheeky little rascals 20 Nov 07:31 | 19
Vid No hiding now, fandroids: Smartmobe chip STALKS YOU INDOORS Cisco, Qualcomm team up to create tracking chip tech 20 Nov 07:57 | 11
Storage All-flash-array flogger WhipTail in mad dash to fortify EMEA base Quick, before Violin and the others get here 20 Nov 08:29 |
Networks 'The People's' cell operator to offer expensive data - but it's for cheridee Can't be bothered having a phone and making donations? 20 Nov 08:56 | 27
Security Malware made which can share a smartcard over the internet 'Use a bank or ID card as though you had it with you' 20 Nov 09:24 | 15
Open ... and Shut Apple's profits fetish could spell its DOOM Mobile world will soon be like PCs 20 Nov 09:40 | 93
Legal Certain people rejoice! AC/DC finally available on iTunes Primal thumpings now on your fondleslab 20 Nov 10:27 | 55
Feature Glorious silicon globes could hold key to elusive PERFECT kilogram El Reg drills into why we need an ultra-accurate mass 20 Nov 11:01 | 69
Software Oprah Winfrey too late to save Microsoft's Windows 8 Signs are that Redmond has produced a turkey this Xmas 20 Nov 11:02 | 154
Storage Shrewd El Reg plotter shows storage bods in revealing numbers The great, the good, the bad and the ugly 20 Nov 11:17 | 1
Personal Tech How Intel's faith in x86 cost it the mobile market And why Paul Otellini's successor needs to embrace corporate heresy 20 Nov 11:22 | 62
Software Sony coaxes indie Vita, Android developers with $99 SDK Beta goodbye; Vita good buy? 20 Nov 11:47 | 9
Personal Tech Wii U disassembly reveals unusual innards Facilitates do-it-yourself fixing 20 Nov 11:48 | 30
On-Prem Yahoo! shares! at! 18! month! high! Investors feel slightly better with an ex-Googler at the helm 20 Nov 11:58 | 6
Personal Tech Kobo Glo illuminated e-reader review Read between the covers - and under them 20 Nov 12:00 | 35
Science Do you know a chimp who's feeling doleful? Mid-life crisis, probably Darwin quote on baboons and metaphysics borne out 20 Nov 12:08 | 17
Legal Murdoch Storm: Brooks, Coulson to be CHARGED over BUNGS UK media methods scandal means big names in court 20 Nov 12:28 |
Networks EE touts 4G Sim-only tariffs How do its one-year contracts compare with rival offerings? 20 Nov 12:37 | 13
Science Thank BRIT eggheads for new iMac's sexy seamless knife-edge Welding knowhow keeps Apple beyond bleeding 20 Nov 12:57 | 42
Legal Speaker Bercow's loquacious wife finally silenced - On Twitter Legal issues. Hacked. DELETED - not before time, perhaps 20 Nov 13:30 | 26
Science Swollen SUPER-GIGANTO PLANET sighted in Andromeda Vasty orb big as 13 Jupiters snapped 170 lightyears off 20 Nov 13:31 | 27
Legal HTC: $8 per phone for Apple patents? We're not CRAZY! Still won't give Samsung the juice on what it's forking out though 20 Nov 13:59 | 28
On-Prem HP: AUTONOMY 'misrepresented' its value by $5 BILLION, calls in SEC UK fraud squad too. Total writedown $8.8 BEEELLION!! 20 Nov 14:11 | 84
Security Nintendo downplays Wii U 'hidden control panel' hack fears Miiverse admin board just-a mock-a-up, says Mario 20 Nov 14:12 | 8
Bootnotes Swedish woman cuffed for sex with skeleton SHOCKER Insert your 'boner' JOKE here 20 Nov 14:15 | 71
Channel Tech Data's Q3 profits dive by more than a fifth Currency headwind and price war bitchslap distie giant 20 Nov 14:21 | 1
Networks Microsoft's OWN tests on Kin 'social phone' foretold its doom 'Kin hell, is it 'cos I didn't touch it enough? - tester 20 Nov 14:27 | 28
Science Greenhouse gases break record again, says top UN weather man US down, but pesky poor folk emitting like crazy 20 Nov 14:27 | 45
Personal Tech Google hires top US traffic fed for driverless cars project 'Hm, no spaces. Car, drive around 'til I finish drinking' 20 Nov 14:56 | 30
Software Nokia HERE today with decent mapping on Apple devices Also towing Amazon app store onto Droids 20 Nov 15:26 | 46
Live Chat Register boffinry confab: Mass debate on the Perfect Kilogram Readers have their say (but don't weigh in) 20 Nov 16:00 | 12
Networks Brussels blesses British BDUK broadband boost blurt £530m cash prizes cleared for largely one-horse races 20 Nov 16:11 | 12
On-Prem PCs punch HP in the gut, servers knee it in the jewels Oh, if only we'd used Autonomy software on its own books 20 Nov 16:22 | 15
Networks Facebook starts going encrypted by default in North America Only WE are allowed to spy on you ... bitch 20 Nov 16:57 | 11
Channel Wang's 'surging growth' to help tablets overcome notebooks in 2013 Analyst projects Android ascension, Apple slippage 20 Nov 17:25 | 11
Legal Apple, Spotify, Amazon: All your Cloud are belong to us, says firm Lawyers don ten-gallon hats, jingling spurs 20 Nov 17:51 | 33
Security Quantum crypto - with nothing more than STANDARD broadband fibre Theoretical un-crackability cracked 20 Nov 17:58 | 16
On-Prem Microsoft building poo-powered carbon-neutral data center Sewage plant systems profitably full of crap 20 Nov 19:13 | 23
Legal 4chan founder Moot threatens site for using his handle Claims 'moot' is 'a famous trademark' 20 Nov 20:28 | 55
Personal Tech World's oldest digital computer successfully reboots TNMOC's boffins help bring back WITCH 20 Nov 20:30 | 61
Security Kiwi Googleplex comes clean on unauthorised data Waves certificate proving it has really, truly, wiped Wi-Fi trove 20 Nov 21:52 | 1
Software German city dumping OpenOffice for Microsoft Freiburg city council called 'clueless' 20 Nov 22:50 | 85
HPC SGI UV 2000 supers are Intel and Nvidia inside Cheap flops flip bits in shared memory super and rackers 20 Nov 23:27 | 1