On-Prem Facebook proposes killing off user voting on policy changes Brief flirtation with democracy put down 22 Nov 00:24 | 17
Legal .WTF? Governments object to .sucks, .army and .airforce ICANN releases lists of government objections to new gTLDs 22 Nov 01:29 | 29
Legal Patent suit targets Formlabs and Kickstarter 3D Systems lays out claim over stereolithography 22 Nov 02:54 | 14
Science CERN rushes to install new anti-matter hunter Sprinting to get ALPHA-2 working before 2013 shutdown 22 Nov 03:19 | 10
Legal One week left before US faces clamp down on piracy Major ISPs combine on six strikes policy 22 Nov 04:10 | 49
Security Human Rights Watch proposes new laws of robotics Wants autonomous 'bots banned before Predators become Terminators 22 Nov 04:58 | 36
Legal Pakistan bans 'immoral' late night mobe deals Whatever you're talking about late at night, Pakistan doesn't want to hear it 22 Nov 05:00 | 17
Science Toshiba boffins build nuke-proof 'bot Four-legged unit destined for Fukushima clean-up duties 22 Nov 05:12 | 9
Bootnotes BRITISH BIGFOOT ON LOOSE in Tunbridge Wells Ape-man roaming Kentish streets? Must be Friday night 22 Nov 05:58 | 36
SaaS Asus eyes China and Japan for private cloud growth Hardware giant could tap BYOD with international expansion 22 Nov 05:58 |
SaaS Cloud upstart Nirvanix bins another round of US sales bods New sales boss broom sweeps out staff 22 Nov 06:34 | 2
Channel Public sector 2 YEARS behind biz on cloud adoption - suppliers Gov services framework will be fluffier next year 22 Nov 07:02 | 8
Legal Apple DID buy social video network - check out this BONKERS lawsuit Employee alleges Color Labs boss 'intimidated' workers with Glock-toting pal 22 Nov 07:27 | 17
Open ... and Shut Springtime for Red Hat, springtime for Salesforce ... But WINTER for SAP and Oracle 22 Nov 08:30 | 2
Channel Why did Comet fail? Hint: It wasn't just the credit insurers If you can't bark with the big dogs, get off the porch 22 Nov 09:00 | 73
Security McAfee takes time off blogging to concentrate on being chased by police He 'almost' sold tat to reporter while disguised as a peddler 22 Nov 09:23 | 25
Networks London Underground platform Wi-Fi set to cost £2 daily for many And will drop out once the train leaves for everyone 22 Nov 09:38 | 46
Storage Mighty 4 Terabyte whopper crashes down on the desktop Three platters piled high with Caviar for data gobblers 22 Nov 09:56 | 27
Personal Tech Raspberry Pi seller calls for hack match contestants 24 hours to bake the best Pi rig 22 Nov 10:08 | 10
Open... and Shut Microsoft's Surface bait-and-switch won't make people buy Windows 8 We want a total package, not just an OS 22 Nov 10:18 | 56
Science Extreme teleworking: A Reg hack reports from the internet's frontier SPB carves new cyberspace out of frosty mountain notspot 22 Nov 10:51 | 21
Personal Tech Fanbois: The Next Generation. YOUR CHILDREN belong to Apple now Hey, Santa Claus, you ****, where's me ****ing iPad? 22 Nov 10:55 | 50
Legal Judge to Apple: You WILL tell Samsung what you got from HTC Cupertino's US tax on smartphones likely to be flat 22 Nov 11:14 | 52
Feature Can supermodel Heidi Klum save Windows 8? Not so fast MS mixed messages to biz and leggy Germans 22 Nov 11:29 | 20
Networks Plan to let you phone people up from within Facebook Well, not you. Unless you happen to be French 22 Nov 11:54 | 7
Personal Tech Asus VivoBook S200 11.6in touchscreen notebook review Taking a swipe at Windows 8 22 Nov 12:00 | 51
SC12 Team Venus disappears at computer sports smackdown Cluster warriors: On your marks... 'Oh, no what was my password again?' 22 Nov 12:02 | 1
Science Boffins: Jurassic avians were more like Angry birds than modern ones Couldn't flap wings, needed a push or jump to get going 22 Nov 12:27 | 40
Legal Legal wigs to sort out rules on internet defamation, contempt The law is the law, but we only have so many courts 22 Nov 12:38 | 32
Legal BBC Newsnightmare: Opera chief brought in as new DG He knows a few fat singing ladies - but this isn't over 22 Nov 13:00 | 36
Software RIM shares jump as analyst decides it isn't as dead as he thought Could edge out Microsoft for last place, suspects chap 22 Nov 13:13 | 26
Legal Nickers nab Assassin's Creed cache in Benelux blag Ubisoft's latest snatched in haulage heist 22 Nov 13:15 | 12
Security Italians deploy fearsome SPY MANNEQUINS to win Fashion Wars Bony plastic ladies whose eyes really do follow you 22 Nov 13:25 | 27
Security Firefox and Opera squish big buffer overflow bugs Mozilla drops iFrames in sandbox, Opera mends Gmail glitch 22 Nov 13:44 | 21
On-Prem 'Brit Bill Gates' Lynch: Only Mad Leo Apotheker understood Autonomy 'I'm not going to be HP's scapegoat'. Errm ... 22 Nov 13:59 | 47
On-Prem Apple chief Cook is highest paid CEO in America Black Friday bargains? They're for peasants. Like Ellison 22 Nov 14:24 | 30
Legal Lawrence 'Empire Strikes Back' Kasdan to pen future Star Wars script Luke, I am your author 22 Nov 14:35 | 39
Science NASA's Mars rovers feel effects of TITANIC DUST STORM Vast billows heat red world's atmosphere by 25 DEGREES! 22 Nov 14:44 | 18
Databases NoSQL's CAP theorem busters: We don't drop ACID 'We are not relational fans here' 22 Nov 15:05 | 24
Pics APPLE reveals complete updated blueprints of SPACESHIP JOBS Gigantic doughnut mothership to 'eliminate public' 22 Nov 15:29 | 74
Security eBay: It's safe to buy busted lava lamps and bug-infested rugs again XSS vuln squished; hackers could have made you bid 22 Nov 16:05 | 3
Security Data cops seek 'urgent clarification' on new Facebook advertiser plans We advertise to you next to your own content ... bitch 22 Nov 16:24 | 20
Science Thanksgiving in orbit: Irradiated turkey, yam-and-marshmallow mix And two bemused Russians, 'odours' to share it with 22 Nov 17:01 | 18
Software Plan your BLACK FRIDAY CHARGE: Google shop maps go desktop Bags of smoke, loads of aggression, straight up the middle 22 Nov 17:35 | 11
Networks FCC plans to make Twitter, mobile networks disaster proof 'It's an essential part of life' 22 Nov 18:16 | 11
SC12 Team Taiwan: We're ready to win this thing Cluster compo champs look set to do it again... 22 Nov 19:06 |
Personal Tech No iMacs on Black Friday, Grey Thursday or even Cyber Monday Any day of the week is sales day, unless you want Apple's new desktop 22 Nov 19:21 | 2
Science Sandy 'Mary Celeste' Island undiscovered - again Radio hams beat science by a decade 22 Nov 22:25 | 35
Legal Google avoids tax with ‘Double Irish Dutch Sandwich’ Australian Minister explains money-shifting moves used by Google, Apple and others 22 Nov 23:04 | 78