Science Sailboat cracks 100 km/h for first time Anglo/Australian ‘Sailrocket’ blows away speed records with wind turbine tech 23 Nov 01:36 | 29
Update Hexing MAC address reveals Wifi passwords Researcher says Belkin boxen at risk of simple substitution attack 23 Nov 02:29 | 40
On-Prem Apps-for-feature-phones leader BiNu scores more cash $US4.3m to enter markets where feature phones still rule 23 Nov 03:36 |
Security Israeli deputy PM's social media hacked by pro-Palestine group Cyber attacks continue in wake of Gaza bombardment 23 Nov 05:10 | 3
Software Dreamworks open sources animation software Beats Pixar for once with release of smoke-and-mirrors-ware 23 Nov 05:32 | 3
Channel Barclays Bank buys 8,500 Apple iPads in one go Bank's ranks thank bosses for fondle-slabbin' workplace 23 Nov 05:55 | 41
Legal South Korean convicted for tweeting Pyongyang propaganda Twitter joke backfires for hapless Seoul man 23 Nov 06:19 | 15
Security Cyber blaggers autoplunder bulging accounts on Euro pay network 'Operation High Roller' rascals in mass slurpening 23 Nov 06:27 | 5
Networks Ofcom: White Space. We're bloody serious this time. ONE YEAR Could this be the future of ALL radio spectrum? Eh? 23 Nov 06:58 | 14
Channel to upgrade buying tool after mega cockup downs £1bn deal Not even good enough for government work 23 Nov 07:27 | 5
Personal Tech Samsung Google Nexus 10 tablet review The purest, most affordable 10in Android yet 23 Nov 08:00 | 180
Software Mint Linux gifts Unity haters with 'Nadia' ... plus her Mate Mint 14 plus UI update 23 Nov 08:32 | 68
Security Google Adwords scammer charged premium to call NHS Direct Presumably no mirrors in his house 23 Nov 08:59 | 26
Vid Reg boffins blow lid on sheepsecs Lucy Sherriff on Welshmen and the maximum velocity of a sheep in a vacuum 23 Nov 09:20 | 23
Part one IBM insider: How I caught my wife while bug-hunting on OS/2 No wonder that chkdsk flaw was never fixed 23 Nov 09:39 | 156
Quotw Woz on Microsoft: Whoa! They really changed things drastically. Whoa! Plus: 'I'm not going to be HP's scapegoat!' 23 Nov 10:05 | 12
Storage Troubled OCZ now has feds up ass with microscope Harsh cawing of lawyers fills the air 23 Nov 10:29 | 3
Security WWII HERO PIGEON crypto message STUMPS GCHQ boffins Time to call in the Vulture Squadron? 23 Nov 10:49 | 60
Channel Channel players hit the pub for Christmas... it's been a long year Conferences, closing deals - anytime is pub 'o clock 23 Nov 10:52 | 1
Security Exploit broker releases EXPLICIT VIDS of holes in industrial control kit Will only sell to 'trusted customers from reputable countries' 23 Nov 11:10 | 4
Legal WANTED: Actual HELPFUL info on price-comparison websites Watchdog growls at dearth of details, trust 23 Nov 11:52 | 23
Science Russians: Decision on diva Sarah Brightman's space trip in early 2013 One-time Hot Gossip singing temptress may get ISS stay 23 Nov 12:11 | 8
Software Windows 8: A soaraway Kinect? Or is it Red Ink Friday for Microsoft? Signs are this stock burn will be a slow one at best 23 Nov 12:28 | 52
Science Super-Earths' magnetic FORCE FIELDS could harbour ALIEN LIFE Little green men/microbes may lurk safe from cosmic rays 23 Nov 12:35 | 13
Personal Tech Man strives to shatter Call of Duty world record Plays for five days straight 23 Nov 12:43 | 17
Legal Pirate cops bust LITTLE GIRL, take her Winnie-the-Pooh laptop Plods advise outraged dad to give pigopolists Xmas money 23 Nov 13:03 | 203
Science Warming up the thruster that will ram LOHAN to glorious heights Project team prepares to shove pocket rocket in toaster 23 Nov 13:22 | 27
Opinion BlackBerry 10: AWESOME. If the hardware matches it, RIM jobs are safe Our Vulture fondles his way through the new OS 23 Nov 13:37 | 135
Personal Tech Huawei hawks hundred quid handset hupdate Will the Android-based Ascend G330 be the new king of budget blowers? 23 Nov 14:04 | 6
SC12 Comp sci boffins Venus: HPC newbies post respectable score Mix of ‘strong’ and ‘struggling’ on scientific apps 23 Nov 14:04 |
Personal Tech Apple LTE iPad Mini release slips back in Blighty 4G iPad 4 out at last 23 Nov 14:08 | 1
Personal Tech APPLE goes on crazy, price-SLASHER Black Friday RAMPAGE Discounts kit by a whopping, er, 8% 23 Nov 14:23 | 29
Channel NHS Trust ditches in-house servers, chucks 15TB into the cloud Mersey Care slips its storage into SCC's data centre 23 Nov 14:45 | 15
Bootnotes Jubcropgate: El Reg in snake-fondling nude nipslip outrage Several pixels of tophamper get past decency filter 23 Nov 15:00 | 51
Science Dogs would say: size is important, shape - not so much Ball? The mouth-sized chewy thing? Can I have a treat now 23 Nov 15:04 | 41
Security UK student in dock over Anonymous £3.5m PayPal attack Denies charge relating to Operation Payback campaign 23 Nov 15:34 | 28
Personal Tech Just bought an Apple product? Need support NOW? Drop an F-BOMB Handy Reg Black Friday tip. No, don't thank us 23 Nov 16:00 | 78
Channel Bolton biz kingpin tables '7 figure' offer for Comet website And rumour tells of mystery shopper eyeing 140 stores 23 Nov 16:10 | 7
On-Prem Don't touch Sony, Panasonic's junk, says credit agency Pana may grope its way out of misery, though 23 Nov 16:37 | 58
Security Mystery Chrome 0-day exploit to be unveiled in India on Saturday I don't want $60k, I want FAME? 23 Nov 16:59 | 18
SC12 Cluster compo newcomers slap down winning hand: 6 NVIDIA Tesla cards Team USTC talks the universal language of clustering 23 Nov 17:39 |
Feature The early days of PCs as seen through DEAD TREES The golden days of computer mags, replete with ancient adverts 23 Nov 18:22 | 74
Personal Tech Convert your iPad into a foosball table and relive the dot-com days Is this the ultimate fondleslab accessory? Could be ... 23 Nov 19:04 | 22
HPC IBM recasts Power 775 Blue Waters super as big data muncher GPFS storage servers don't need no stinkin' RAID controllers 23 Nov 19:55 | 2
On-Prem Nokia's imaging chief makes surprise exit Dinning looking to develop other options 23 Nov 20:47 | 32
Servers IBM warns mainframe shops of 2013 price hike 10 per cent jump coming next July for flat-priced wares 23 Nov 21:21 | 14