Re:Invent AWS cloud growing three times as fast as dot-comming Amazon S3 storage service gets a huge price chop 29 Nov 00:06 | 6
Personal Tech Apple manufacturers: ARRGH, pesky iThings are impossible to make YOU try it, Mr I-just-draw-pretty-pictures Cupertino guy 29 Nov 00:06 | 50
Networks Inquiry ordered after phone exchange blaze Fire at Telstra's Warnambool exchange disrupted telecoms, earns government ire 29 Nov 00:25 | 5
Software Google GRINCHES have change of heart, bring back Christmas Android fix restores month of December 29 Nov 00:33 | 14
Servers Server revenues decline in the third quarter EMEA taking it especially hard, says Gartner 29 Nov 01:06 | 5
Security Australian cops bust Romanian credit card thieves Wrestler questioned after RDP SNAFU and two vulns lead to 500k card heist 29 Nov 01:45 | 11
Science European Space Agency clears SABRE orbital engines Skylon space plane gets its power plant 29 Nov 03:30 | 56
Networks Microsoft claims Windows Phone sales up 300% App store bursting at the seams, too – or is it? 29 Nov 03:31 | 64
Re:Invent AWS, NetApp, make close 'n' cloudy connection Direct Connect lets arrays and EC2 enjoy rapid hook-ups 29 Nov 03:36 | 1
Security US software firm hacked for years after suing China Solid Oak nearly went under after three years of persistent attack 29 Nov 04:05 | 22
On-Prem Microsoft tightens the scroos in search battle Attack site accuses Google of prioritising paid search results 29 Nov 04:57 | 23
Science America planned to NUKE THE MOON Carl Sagan worked on plan to demonstrate military might, says CNN report 29 Nov 05:05 | 86
Networks Half of us have old phones STUFFED in our drawers Other half are presumably just glad to see you 29 Nov 05:56 | 40
On-Prem Cisco takes aim at fakers with anti-piracy tool Report suggests new system will help govt spot counterfeit kit 29 Nov 06:13 | 7
Storage EMC flash man: PCM will save us from the Incredible Shrinking NAND Someone must've ironed out Phase Change Memory's kinks 29 Nov 06:34 | 1
On-Prem Raspberry Pi daddy: Stroke your hardware at night, land a job easy You want a career in computers? Start using computers 29 Nov 06:58 | 40
Channel Former HP direct sales bloke Logan jumps ship to Misco Felt so empty inside, unable to add value 29 Nov 07:27 |
Networks Chinese state media accuses Cisco and other US giants of spying Huawei oh Huawei would they say such things? 29 Nov 07:28 | 14
Networks ZTE make benefit glorious world's tiniest 4G dongle Available in Kazakhstan now. Is very nice! 29 Nov 07:35 | 5
Security Beware the malware-tipped SPEAR TRAP in your inbox That person who knows all about you? Not your friend 29 Nov 08:27 | 18
Science RETURN of the PLAYMONAUT: El Reg's space hero suits up again Our intrepid ace test pilot hears siren call of LOHAN 29 Nov 09:00 | 25
Security Antivirus biz's founder unmasked as noted Chinese hacker Blackhat once attacked US Department of Defense 29 Nov 09:19 | 19
Storage HP boffin: Honey! I shrank the PC. To nanometre size, dammit Right, who here has a really fine set of tweezers 29 Nov 09:44 | 19
Feature What killed Motorola? Not Google! It was Moto's dire software Ex-Moto director Rockman tiptoes through the code graveyard 29 Nov 10:00 | 70
Personal Tech Black Eyed Peas star pitches pricey iPhone cam add-on thinks he's worth it 29 Nov 10:16 | 5
Security Data cop slap for Brit text pests IMPORTANT: You may be entitled to pay us £440k 29 Nov 10:18 | 45
Channel Dixons returns to profit in UK, rubs hands as Comet circles drain Losses overall down to crazy Pixmania, penniless 'peans 29 Nov 10:38 | 12
Storage New Tosh drive can wipe out 4TB 'near instantaneously' Plods on the stairs and fire escape? Press this and smile 29 Nov 10:58 | 61
Networks Spaniards Joyn together to hunt and kill the Skype monster Grab Android pitchforks and flaming torches, compadres 29 Nov 11:14 | 22
Legal Assange needs to get some sunlight and fresh air, say Ecuadoreans Well yes, obviously. Possibly nothing new in that, though 29 Nov 11:27 | 113
On-Prem Sony to do what Apple can't: Remove its batteries - sources Bankers keen to chop off energy arm and sell it 29 Nov 11:43 | 11
Personal Tech Bungie talks up 'genre-defining' Destiny shooter As 'deep' as Star Wars, apparently 29 Nov 11:56 | 24
Personal Tech Troll sues Apple for daring to plug headphones into iPhone Spare us some change, guv'nor, just $3m will do? 29 Nov 12:24 | 130
Networks Broadband minister admits rural rollout by 2015 is 'challenging target' Could £530m BDUK project hit the skids? 29 Nov 12:29 | 7
Science Boffins BREAK BREAD's genetic code: Miracle of the loaves Climate change? Population growth? Maybe science can help 29 Nov 12:31 | 28
On-Prem iPod daddy: Ousted iOS chief Scott Forstall 'got what he deserved' 'People were cheering in Cupertino' 29 Nov 12:44 | 17
Security Microsoft STALKS YOU even more than supermarkets do, says dev Hey, get your tracker kit out of my trouser browser 29 Nov 12:57 | 16
Exclusive Monty on broken MySQL promises: Oracle's going to fork it up 2014 will be the year of reckoning... 29 Nov 13:18 | 21
Exclusive YouView: 'Public service catch-up telly should belong to us alone' Hang on, we've already paid for that 29 Nov 13:33 | 28
Legal Hurricane Sandy blows US pirate-pestering plan into 2013 Dear Cutlass Bob, please stop stealing all our stuff 29 Nov 13:42 | 13
Storage Cloud storage giant Amazon cuts S3 prices, waits for rivals to die It's a numbers game 29 Nov 14:02 | 12
Personal Tech Dell launches Sputnik Linux Ultrabook Beefy open-source machines on the way 29 Nov 14:24 | 115
Security Google tools gaffe let ZOMBIE web admins feast on websites Dead accounts resurrected to cause merry hell 29 Nov 14:42 | 9
Legal Leveson tells media to set up independent regulator or bow to Ofcom Blames internet revenue disaster for gutter tactics 29 Nov 14:50 | 30
Channel Phoenix IT Group tumbles off a cliff: £63m in losses Onlookers predict Humpty Dumpty landing ahead 29 Nov 15:03 | 5
Science Dawn of the X-Men? MUTANTS swarm AMONG US, say geneticists Particularly among weirdo Europeans 29 Nov 15:19 | 71
Science Japanese firm offers 4-tonne GIANT MECHs for just $1.3m Flying car? Robot butler? Pah, I stomp on them 29 Nov 15:36 | 35
Legal Sony tempts 4K Ultra HD TV buyers with free films Bundled on a gratis video server, natch 29 Nov 15:48 | 40
Software What can save the Xmas PC market? Not Windows 8, say analysts People wanted Win7, but there's no Vista effect now 29 Nov 16:30 | 30
Legal PM demands media clean-up, not keen on doing much himself Leveson report: Cameron unlikely to back legislation 29 Nov 16:36 | 29
Software RIM bribes coders: Make BlackBerry 10 apps, GET A FREE SHINY All that nice software you've got? Hand it over 29 Nov 16:42 | 17
Science 'Abnormal' thruster halts South Korean space rocket launch Third attempt to put first rocket in orbit cancelled 29 Nov 17:29 | 7
Software The Lord of the Rings saga lies hidden deep in your Mac Fun with FreeBSD, the Terminal, and OS X 29 Nov 17:55 | 79
Networks Syria cuts off internet and mobile communications What dark deeds does the blackout hide? 29 Nov 17:59 | 28
Legal Twitter forced to cough raw feed after PeopleBrowsr wins temporary order A little bird has ejected us from its 'warm spot', say data crunchers 29 Nov 18:02 | 12
Bootnotes Prisoner found with phone + charger in anal cavity Luckily he's not an iPad owner 29 Nov 18:57 | 79
Updated Apple ships 'completely redesigned' iTunes 11 As Mom admonished, 'better late than never – but better never late' 29 Nov 20:56 | 101
re:Invent AWS fattens EC2 cloud for big data, in-memory munching Data Pipeline service links data sources, automates chewing and spitting 29 Nov 21:04 |
Networks Voda fails again: network melts in Melbourne heatwave ‘Try turning it off and turning it back on again’ 29 Nov 21:28 | 4
Science The Terminator, coming to a reality near you UK boffins demo cell-to-electronics interface 29 Nov 22:23 | 16
Personal Tech Microsoft Surface with Windows 8 Pro gets laptop-level price Up to twice that of ARM-based Windows RT version 29 Nov 22:33 | 75
Science NASA: 'Those life-on-Mars rumors? Chill, dudes and dudettes' Monday's big news less Earth Mars-shaking than world had hoped 29 Nov 23:10 | 30
OSes IDC: A year of server revenue declines Well, unless you are Dell, Cisco, Inspur, or Lenovo 29 Nov 23:26 | 1
Personal Tech Microsoft halves Surface RT production orders - report Ballmer was right after all, might only 'sell a few million' 29 Nov 23:33 | 43
Science NASA confirms ice at poles of Mercury Astrobiologists probe tiniest planet in 'soggy' solar system 29 Nov 23:42 | 21
Science Big Bang bashing boffins ‘Big Bounce’ back to BIRTH OF TIME The universe before inflation took hold 29 Nov 23:54 | 27